Saturday Spotlight: Kevin James Breaux

Saturday Spotlight: Kevin James Breaux

Welcome back to my Saturday Spotlight series! Thank you to not only the authors who have participated so far but those who are planning to in the future. Most importantly, thank you to all of my followers who read each post and follow some of these authors. As readers, our support means everything. They work so hard to put their novels into our hands, the least we can do is show support. Be sure to leave a review for each book you read, even if only a sentence long. It makes all the difference!

Today, I am bringing you a not only an author but a good friend of mine. Kevin James Breaux! He is incredibly talented and down to earth. I have known him for…I want to say 4 or 5 years now. He is so supportive of my career as a freelance proofreader as well. He is actually the person who started me in all of this. He even made me start writing this book I have yet to make progress on…NaNoWriMo…I am coming your way, well…maybe. So long story short, Kevin is amazing. Regardless of my connection to him, his work deserves to be shared and enjoyed by all. It sits here undiscovered, waiting for you to dive in and get lost in these worlds.

About the Author


Kevin James Breaux


Kevin James Breaux is an award-winning author and artist. His professional writing credits span almost ten years and include short stories and novels. He is a member of the Horror Writers Association and the Science Fiction & Fantasy Writers of America. He lives by the motto “Write Makes Might!”© and sees each new page as an opportunity to improve and advance.

Formerly represented by Marisa A. Corvisiero the founder of the Corvisiero Literary Agency.

“Kevin Breaux takes no prisoners! This is raw, funny, edgy, unapologetic and highly weird. Buckle up.” -Jonathan Maberry, New York Times best-selling author of Patient Zero and Kill Switch.

For more information, a current publishing history, interviews, and signing schedules please visit Kevin’s author hub site and his blog.

Kevin’s Novels


Though Kevin has written many things for various anthologies as well as short stories in the past, I am choosing to showcase his three most recent novels. The reviews for the Water Kingdom series can be found by clicking the title. For some reason, I do not have a review of the third novel on my blog yet…I will have to remedy that. The links to Amazon to buy the books can be found by clicking the images shown. All three are free on kindle unlimited or $3.99 as Kindle ebooks. I suggest getting the paperbacks simply because I love the covers and he uses a matte finished cover which I really adore. Well…here are these amazing novels.

The Water Kingdom Series

One Smoking Hot Fairy Tail

OSHFT BreauxOne Smoking Hot Fairy Tail



Two Polluted Blackheart Romances

TPBHR BreauxTwo Polluted Black-Heart Romances


The Lifeblood of Ill-Fated Women

LBIFW BreauxThe Lifeblood of Ill-Fated Women



Thank you for joining us today Kevin! I know I am really excited to have you here. Before your fans get bored and sprout wings to fly away…let’s get started. 


Could you tell us a little about yourself…perhaps something not many people know?

I get inspiration from all sorts of weird things: TV shows, movies, anime, comic books, video games, etc. But my stories really develop in those brief moments before I fall asleep. You know how people say they get their best ideas in the shower. Well, I lucid dream. I have since I was in grade school. So, each night when I get in bed, I like to clear my mind and then basically, “press play” on the story in my head. Sometimes, I will lucid dream my way into the story, other times, I will simply get to sit back and watch the story like a movie.

Then, next time I am writing, I have more inspiration and ideas to work with.

That is incredible! I have never known someone who could lucid dream. I wish I could teach myself to. Maybe my book would write itself that way.



How long have you been writing and what inspired you to start?

This is always so hard to answer. People like to answer with the period of time that they started writing poems or short stories…maybe even ones assigned by teachers in school. I can list those dates too, but I really think it’s important to note the date of your first official sale or publication.

In 2007, I had my first sale. Which was published in 2008. So, I mark those dates as the beginning of my career.

I was inspired to become a professional author when I met Jonathan Maberry and he was releasing his first novel GHOST ROAD BLUES in 2006. He invited me to join his writer’s group and then began mentoring me. It was with his help, that I learned the business and found my first sales.

It is wonderful that you had someone take you under their wing, so to speak. I believe that finding someone like that is rare and a real treasure.



What is the most difficult part of writing for you?

I’m a creature of habit, so I tend to make the same mistakes over and over. I know “towards” is wrong, but I use that word in spoken language and it comes right out when I type. So, I have to search for it when I am done and editing. I like to edit. But it’s the hardest part. It takes a long time and can make your eyes cross and your back break. It’s important to have true professional editors on your team and a good proofreader too. New eyes on your work always helps.

Sometimes, the most difficult part is just waiting for the book to be released so the readers can get it in their hands and enjoy it. Other times, I would say it’s waiting for reviews. That can be a truly painful struggle. 🙂

I have to agree about the editor and proofreader. I want to mention that when a proofreader works with an author more than once, they get a feel for what type of things to look for. I know that happened with me and those I have worked with. It isn’t about making the author feel bad, we are all human. Your brain just knows what you want to say so that is what you see. Like you said, “New eyes on your work always helps.” Just a friendly reminder, a reader who reviews is an author’s best friend!



Do you have a favorite character you have written? If so, who and what makes them so special?

I tend to enjoy writing female characters most. Out of all of them, there are a few I really enjoy. I love Sabrina London from ONE SMOKING HOT FAIRY TAIL and the rest of my Water Kingdom series. I also really enjoy the main character from my novella DARK WATER: BEAMING SMILE. There’s another character in my fantasy novels, one that has yet to be published, that I find very special.

I think what I enjoy about them most is their personalities. I write flawed characters. So, I enjoy their flaws. But I primarily create characters with special abilities: fairies, vampires, mages, mummies etc… Then, it becomes a combo. I love Sabrina London because of her abilities and her flaws. All the things that make her…her. She’s a foul-mouthed fairy princess with addictions. But as the story flows she grows and evolves. She learns how to become the best version of herself, but still may not choose to be. We all know how that can feel.

Relatable characters are key to a good story. They can be powerful or beautiful, but they need to have the same problems, desires, and setbacks we all do.

Can you relate to Superman? I know can’t.

If you want to read about flawed characters, try SIN CITY or POWERS graphic novels. Those are the kind of characters I enjoy. And if you ask me, Marv or Dwight? Dwight 4 Ever!

I completely agree with you about flawed characters. By the way, I love Sabrina too! She is flawed but I can connect with her and understand her struggles. I think those are the memorable ones, the ones we develop bonds with and empathize for throughout the story.



What comes first for you…plot or characters?

Characters. Then the plots flows. I never need to breakdown my stories before I write them. I just start writing and they go where they go. Don’t get me wrong, I know where the story ends. But I let the characters define the action on the way there.

Ahh…so you are a pantser, not a planner. I think I might be a mix of both.



You are approached by a filmmaker…which book would you want to see adapted to a major motion picture? Why?

I was approached a few years ago for One Smoking Hot Fairy Tail. But the movie company went with a different author and book. I could tell you which one if you wanted to know. It failed….so maybe they should have picked me instead.

That being said, I would still go with One Smoking Hot Fairy Tail. I think it has the perfect balance of action and adventure and romance (sex). 🙂

I think the characters would be embraced by fans of Buffy and True Blood. I’d want it to be made like a sexy-dark action thriller.

Oh my goodness…I would love to see One Smoking Hot Fairy Tail as a movie. I think it would become a great hit. I think the movie company made their mistake and paid for it.



When writing a series, how do you keep things fresh for your readers and yourself?

I read and re-read the stories. I also keep a journal for handwritten notes.

I also write short stories that are supplemental to the novels in the series. Fun little bits that tie things together or fill in gaps.

I also like to get art done of the characters to help fans and readers visualize them more. Lastly, I blog…and when I do, I always have a “casting” where I pick all the actors I would want to play the characters in the book. I just like to give people all sorts of visuals to go along with the words.

I really enjoy reading your castings for your stories. It does help me to visualize or compare what I think the characters look to with how you envision them.



Ok, just for fun…are you a Morning person or a night owl?

I go to bed 1-2am and get up 8-9am. What does that make me? I’m not sure. I don’t classify myself as either. I just sleep when I sleep and wake up when I need to. My internal clock wants me up at 8am…I think it’s the early 80s and Saturday Morning Cartoons are on.

I go to bed between 12-3am and get up around 7-8am. We are really similar in that respect. I get up primarily because, you know…kids. I love that you still watch classic cartoons! How cool is that? Today’s cartoons are simply strange and often cringe-worthy.



Have any websites or resources been helpful to you as a writer? If so, what are they?

I could have answered this better about ten years ago. And in past interviews, I did answer this. NOW? Now the web is so cluttered with junk and some of the best websites and author resources are gone because they could not afford to stay open.

I would have to say is still high on my list. Although, I no longer have an active profile because they raised the subscription too many times.

I think the best resource for any author is another author. Find one and talk to them person-to-person.

I think that is a wonderful tip. I love one on one conversations with authors and find them more helpful than anything online. Do not be scared to ask an author for advice, behind their book they are human just as we are.



What advice would you give to a new writer, someone just starting out?

Don’t set out on your path to writing because you think you will become rich or famous.

The days of Twilight and Harry Potter and Shades of Grey are long gone. Very few writers make any money writing. Think of it like professional sports. Everyone wants to be Michael Jordon or John Cena. But it’s like winning the lottery. It rarely happens. You have to be extraordinary.

Write because it’s your passion not because you expect to get paid. In fact, those first few years you will spend much more than you make.

Also, do not rush it. SOOOOOOOO many times, I have seen people say they want to write a novel. Then write one that is not even novel length. Then push it out on its first draft with no professional editing. All of those are easily avoidable rookie mistakes. Your first novel should be proper length (research book lengths). Then, you should write and write and write. Edit and edit and edit. Get to your fifth or sixth draft….then send to a professional editor. Get it good and clean before asking friends and family or agents and publishers to read. Don’t rush. You’ll regret it.

Remember my motto: WRITE MAKES MIGHT!

Thank you so much, Kevin, that is very valuable advice. I think you make a valid point on rushing. I too have seen so many authors rush to get their book done just because they want it done or they want to say the published something. The truth is, the more you work on it…the better it will become. Nurse it like a newborn Becuase after all, it is your baby.



Kevin has graciously offered to giveaway a copy of two of his novels. First, he is giving away a signed paperback copy of The Lifeblood of Ill-Fated Women. He is also willing to give away a Kindle copy of One Smoking Hot Fairy Tail. The winner can have both or one, depending on where they reside. The giveaway for the paperback will be US residents only, but the e-book will be an international giveaway! That way there can be two winners and if you live outside the US, you can still win a great new novel!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


a Rafflecopter giveaway


I want to thank Kevin James Breaux again for being so wonderful and participating in Saturday Spotlight. You should check out his work by clicking on the book titles! Add them to Goodreads as well, but be sure to leave a review if you read it! That is the best gift to an author.

If you are an indie author who is interested in having your work promoted during one of my spotlights, contact me and in the subject area insert Saturday Spotlight. If you are an author who has participated, please spread the word to other authors you know. I would love for this to be continuous. I look forward to hearing from you.

Disclaimer: This Post may contain affiliate links.

10 thoughts on “Saturday Spotlight: Kevin James Breaux

  • October 6, 2018 at 4:17 pm

    What a great post. I agree with everything about Kevin. I don’t know him aswell as you do but the interactions I’ve had with him he’s been very genuine, informative and a stand up bloke. All his books are amazingly well written and deserve to be on the big screen. Smoking hot fairy tale would make an excellent film.

    • October 6, 2018 at 4:18 pm

      Yes! It would be so amazing to see his book turned into a film. Have you looked at his blog to see who he’d cast?

      • October 6, 2018 at 4:45 pm

        I did. I think he’s picked the best actors to suit each of the roles.

        • October 6, 2018 at 4:46 pm

          I completely agree!

  • October 12, 2018 at 7:44 am

    I’ve not read anything by Kevin, yet. His books all sound amazing and I would love the opportunity!

    • October 12, 2018 at 10:19 am

      Be sure to enter the giveaways!

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