Two Polluted Black-Heart Romances – Kevin James Breaux

Two Polluted Black-Heart Romances – Kevin James Breaux

two polluted black-heart romances

Two Polluted Black-Heart RomancesTwo Polluted Black-Heart Romances

Author: Kevin James Breaux

Published: June 7th, 2017

Book Length: 434 Pages

Genre: Fantasy, Paranormal, Romance

Buy the Book: Amazon (Free on Kindle Unlimited)

Rating:  ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Disclaimer: I was given a copy by the author in exchange for an honest, unbiased review.

Welcome to Los Angeles—but not the LA you know. Here, humans coexist with vampires, mummies, fairies, and other nonhuman entities. Everyone’s just trying to get by for the most part—but some are having more difficulty than others.
A vampire named Cade, a fairy named Sabrina, and a mummy named Moselle are on the lam after exposing the existence of the Otherworldly Assembly, a shadowy organization of paranormal beings. The assembly has sent terrifying assassins called wraiths to exact revenge. The nonhuman trio is in for a real horror show, and they don’t know the half of it—another threat looms, and its destructive ambitions are vast.
Meanwhile, a human named Jackson is recovering from a near-death experience. Old memories and new loves flood his brain, and he’s having trouble finding an outlet for all these feelings—that’s when Sabrina the fairy catches his eye.
Two Polluted Black-Heart Romances, a fast-paced adventure filled with high stakes and unexpected twists, continues the action-packed saga that began with One Smoking Hot Fairy Tail. When unimaginable dangers threaten the planet they all share, humans and nonhumans find a common cause and must work together to prevent disaster.

This is the second book in the water saga series, written by Kevin James Breaux. I loved the first book. It had been such a long time since finding a wonderfully captivating fantasy novel. Find my review of the first book (One Smoking Hot Fairy Tailhere.

This cover, just as the sequel’s, is stunning. The amount of detail in it is amazing. You see here Sabrina with her wings exposed. She is surrounded by darkness and slime. This gives the reader a hint at what Sabrina and her friends will face in the near future. The contrasting bright colors and darkness really bring your eye to this novel. I love that the theme is maintained between the two books. The books look wonderful on a shelf together and the design themes flow between the two books. Now…I can finally get on to tell you about this wonderful story. Without spoilers, I will try to put into words how much I loved this novel.

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Just when Sabrina escaped danger once, and with her wings intact, she finds herself once again in harm’s way. This time, an entire race of beings that lurk beneath daily are after her…and not simply for her wings. Tensions rise between friends in this book, but will they once again defeat the evil thrown in their path??

With this tantalizing adventure, Kevin does it once again! I love that the characters we met initially continued to develop through the second book. Often I find that the character and their background was thrown in my face too fast during the first book, this is not the case. You will never find any type of information dumping in Kevin’s books. He slowly introduces the reader to information as they need it. Because I was slowly given information, taken on the journey as if I were with the characters, I not only read the book, I lived it. I learned things as the characters did so I experienced things as they did. This technique, although may confuse the reader at times, is a great way to pull the reader in deeper to the book.

Using amazing visionary techniques, the author once again brings a whole new world to life.  There is not a large amount of world building needed since he uses our modern world as a base. He does, however, built on top of that. The way each supernatural being interact and have their own system of rules continues in this book. We are also introduced to an entirely new species that has long been lurking beneath the surface, hidden away.  While reading intense scenes I often found my heart racing, this is how real each scene felt.

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I was worried, excited, scared, hopeful…so many emotions wrapped into one. I became a character, following them on their journey.

Each character has their own storyline, but astoundingly they all blend well together. There is no clash between them with one in the spotlight. They are all well developed and with great detail. There is so much more character development in this book than the first. Many of them begin to come into their own.

At the end of this book, Sabrina takes charge to do what she must to save not only her friends but the world. She shows her true strength. Moselle is more in touch with her ancient past. Cade knows he must be with his clan and is more aware now than ever. Jackson is left knowing he is only human, but he longs for what he cannot seem to have. I love these characters as if they were my own friends. In this book, we are introduced to one of my favorite characters, though I love them all. Joe slime…he is a riot. When I hear him, I imagine him having a strong Boston accent, which makes his character that much better.

There are a lot of loose ends in this book. Characters go on their own paths, leaving openings for another story. I love that Kevin adds the water saga book series number right into the title. I hope that continues with the third book. It is a unique touch. I cannot gush enough about how much I love this series. I am anxiously awaiting the third novel.

Overall, this book kept me on the edge of my seat and when I finished I actually yelled no! My husband thought something was wrong with me until he saw me sitting on the couch, closed book in hand, simply looking around. I felt lost after reading this, it consumed me. It leaves you wanting more…wondering what happened to each character. Where will they each go? The only good thing about the ending is that you know there will be another book! Kevin is a prime example of a great author who knows how to not only grab your attention but keep it. I have yet to find a book of his that I did not enjoy.

Have you read this novel? Does it sound like something you would enjoy? Let me know what you think below.