Bookcon Packing List (My First Bookcon)

Bookcon Packing List (My First Bookcon)

I know I have been saying that I am excited for BookCon for a while now but it is finally here! I will be on my flight to NYC at 6:55am tomorrow!! I am a mixture of ecstatic and nervous. However, I am really excited to bring you all a special post! Today I will be talking about what I will be bringing in my BookCon backpack. If you are a book lover as myself, you most likely have heard of BookCon. If you haven’t no worries…you can read all about it here. Basically, it is an amazing event where you can meet authors, fellow bloggers, get free swag and books, and have an awesome time! This is my first year being able to attend. The past three years I was either pregnant with my youngest or having hip surgeries and on crutches. Finally, I am attending and as a VIP member!


I think I am most excited to meet other bloggers or booktubers. I’d love to share this event with you all so I decided what better way to start than by telling you what I’ll be bringing. Keep in mind that if you are going, you’ll be carrying things around all day so you don’t want to bring too many things.


Without any further delays…here is my packing list:



  • Backpack: This is the most important item that I’m bringing. This will carry all of my items and allow me to remain hands-free while carrying anything that I pick up while there. I will be bringing a black rucksack that has loads of space to carry anything I might need. My husband is bringing his military rucksack and will be unloading goodies into our bag in the VIP lounge as needed.


  • VIP Pass: I change my mind, this is the most important thing I am bringing to Bookcon. Without it, I would not be able to get into this amazing event!


  • Schedule: I made a general schedule that my husband and I can look at to see the main things that I am aiming to get to. This is subject to change of course because publishers are always putting out more information, even during the days of Bookcon.


  • Map: I am printing off maps of the show floor for me and my husband to reference. This will make it easier for us to find certain booths and get to where we want on time. I am not sure if a map is provided for us so we are bringing our own just in case it isn’t.


  • Pen/Sharpie and Stickers: You never know who you will run into on the show floor! I am bringing a pen and sharpie as well as stickers just in case I find an author while walking around and don’t have anything for them to sign. I was going to make a special book sleeve for but I ran out of time to do it. So…I’ll be doing that for next year instead.


  • Portable Charger: As mentioned above, publishers are always changing things or adding information about ARC drops. This and calling or texting my husband all day to tell him where to go or what to buy will for sure drain my phone battery. I went to Walmart and spent $15 on a portable charger that holds a total of four full charges for my phone. This might not be needed but I’d rather have it and not need it than need it and not have it.


  • Water: Staying hydrated is one of the most important things you need to remember while spending all day at a convention. I am lucky that my black rucksack comes with a Camelbak. This means I can avoid having to leave a line to get water or spend money on a water bottle.


  • Snacks: From what I have heard, the food at the Javits center is disgustingly expensive. To save some money and avoid losing my spot in a line, I am bringing some cheese crackers and granola bars with me.


  • Cash: I would assume most vendors accept cards but in the off chance that they don’t I want to be prepared. It is a great idea to have some cash on you.


  • Deodorant: What would be worse than standing in line to meet your favorite author only to realize that you are hot and sweaty. Bringing a small deodorant allows me to freshen up to ensure I don’t shock my favorite author with some unappetizing body odor.


  • Cardigan/Light Jacket: It could just as easily get cold in the Javits center. I’ll be bringing a cardigan and light jacket with me. I’ll choose which to wear that morning. You want to bring something that can keep the chill away but won’t be too heavy if you have to put in in your backpack.


  • Business Cards: This is a must have since I will be meeting a huge number of other bloggers. I hear there were about 20,000 people at Bookcon last year. I don’t want to miss a chance to promote my blog!


  • Comfortable Shoes: Standing in lines all day and walking around…this calls for comfortable shoes. Sneakers will be my go-to for the duration of my NYC trip! I would hate to be walking around and have my feet hurt so badly that I become miserable. Bookcon should be fun, don’t let sore feet take away from that.


  • Books/Swag to be signed: I don’t think I am bringing any books. I will be buying some there because many autographs require a book purchase. I will be bringing my Will Herondale plushie though! I might take a book or two, I haven’t decided yet though.


  • Hand Sanitizer: Being in NYC is reason alone for this but you never know what you will come into contact with here. You might not have a chance to get to the bathroom to use soap and water to wash your hands. This will be a handy tool to keep by just in case. I have a small container of liquid hand sanitizer but also a few hand sanitizer wipes.


  • Hair Ties: I have long hair and it is awful when it gets hot and I have nothing to use to put it up. I will keep a few hair ties in my backpack just in case I choose to put my hair up.



There you have it, my Bookcon packing list. Well, this is what I will actually be bringing into Bookcon itself. I hope that you found this post helpful! I will do a follow-up post after Bookcon to let you know if this list was good enough or if I should have brought something else. For those of you attending as well…have a fantastic time and I would love to meet you there!



Have you gone to Bookcon before and wished you had brought something other than what you packed? What was it? Do you have anything else on your packing list that I did not mention?


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