Would you rather Wednesday

Would you rather Wednesday

Happy hump day! You’ve made it to the middle of the week so only half to go! I am super excited for Bookcon but I haven’t packed yet!!!! I have to pick out what I’m going to wear for those two days or decided exactly what we will do the other two days after! I have a schedule for Bookcon made…well sort of. It is subject to change. I am beyond excited for this and watch my Twitter account becuase I will be constantly updating during my trip. If you are going to Bookcon as well, let me know. I would love to meet. Also, if you have any tips for going…it’s my first time…I would love to hear them. Well, on to today’s post.


Welcome back to Would You Rather Wednesday! I hope that you all enjoy this series. If you would like to keep seeing it, let me know in the comments below. I always loved doing the would you rather questions as a kid so I thought it would be a wonderful way to engage more of you who follow my blog but bring a bookish twist to it.


First I want to mention that I got the idea from Krystyna (Turning the Pages) and her weekly bookish meme challenge. I took part in her post last week, but Wednesdays work better for my blogging schedule, so I created my own weekly challenge. I hope that you all enjoy it!


Would you rather (17):


Have dinner with your favorite character or favorite author?


I hate picking just one favorite of anything so picking just one favorite would be dreadful. If I was able to have dinner with one of my favorite authors I would probably annoy them. After all, they are the creator of my favorite characters. I would probably fangirl and ask them all about various characters. I would have to hope they do not grow annoyed with me too quickly. Or I might just freeze up and not know what to say at all.


In the end, I would prefer to have dinner with a favorite author. I would be able to sit with the genius mind who created some of my most loved characters. Isn’t that the dream of every book lover?



What do you think…which would you choose?