Goodreads Monday

Goodreads Monday

Hello again everyone! How was your weekend? Mine was not bad. I have been trying to use all of my spare time to work on my novel. Since it is cold here now, the boys are stuck playing inside. It is always a struggle making my older son (7) do something other than play video games. We have been reading the House with a Clock in its Walls and he is really enjoying it. I hope that we are able to take him to see the movie when it comes out.

Well, it is Monday and I know why you are all really here…Goodreads Monday! So…less about parent life and more about books! This weekly event is hosted by Lauren’s Page Turners. To take part, simply choose a random book from your Goodreads TBR (To Be Read) list and show it off.

Now onto the good part, yet another book from my Goodreads to read shelf…which is always growing larger with each Goodreads Monday post that I read. I am serious, every Monday my TBR list grows by about 5 books. Why are there so many great books and so little reading time?

Crown of Coral and Pearl


Crown of Coral and Pearl Crown of Coral and Pearl

Author: Mara Rutherford

Published: August 27th, 2019

Publisher: Inkyard Press

Book Length: 384 Pages

Genre: Fantasy


Buy the Book: Amazon,

Impetuous and outspoken, seventeen-year-old Nor is used to living in her identical twin sister’s shadow. As the most beautiful girl in Lakana, Zadie is destined to marry the prince of Ilara, heir to all the ocean realms. Though free from her mother’s strict constraints, Nor still feels trapped. Just once, she longs to see Ilara’s glittering towers and encounter its dashing prince…

But when Zadie is injured, Nor is chosen to replace her. And she soon finds Prince Ceren is as forbidding and cold as llara, a realm carved into a mountain and devoid of light. Ceren’s plans would strip Lakana of its most precious resources–a decree Nor will risk anything to stop. And through Ceren’s half brother, Talin, she pursues an even darker mystery rooted in the failing royal bloodline, a murdered queen–and Ilara’s sinister secret history.

Now Nor must negotiate the treacherous protocols and insidious deceptions of a dazzling court where lies reign and obsession rules. And discovering her own formidable strength may be the one move that costs her everything: the crown, Lakana and Zadie.

I first saw this novel on Twitter and then the cover was released…It is so beautiful! I knew that when I read the description it was something that I had to get my hands on. I am now patiently to find ARC sign-ups for this. I would love to dive into this captivating novel.

this a book that you might enjoy if you have not read it? Have you heard of this novel before now? If you have read it feel free to link your review below, I would love to see what you thought. What are some books on your Goodreads to-read list? Do you find yourself adding many more to your TBR list on Goodreads Monday?

Disclaimer: This post may contain affiliate links.

4 thoughts on “Goodreads Monday

  • November 5, 2018 at 3:31 pm

    That cover is everything I never knew I needed in life <3

    • November 5, 2018 at 3:32 pm

      Right?!?! It is gorgeous

    • November 6, 2018 at 1:43 pm

      My exact thoughts!!

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