News and Updates

News and Updates

Hello everyone!! It has been such a long time since I have posted and a sooo much has happened since the last time I did. I figured the best way to get back into writing for my blog would be to actually write a welcome back and updates post.


Let’s start with last summer…I got married to my childhood sweetheart. My husband Steven and I dated when we were teenagers but my father did not approve of the 3 year age difference and hated him without ever getting to know him. I chose to leave him back then. He actually came into my metaphysical store one day during a psychic event we hosted. He knew who I was right away and I tried to shy away but I ended up word vomiting all over when he asked if I’d remembered him and how I was. We talked, I tried to push away but…here we are. I never thought I would see him again. Not only are we married now, I just gave birth to our son February 10th. I am now a proud momma of three boys! I suppose I truly am a boy mom through and through.


That is about all with regards to my personal family updates. I did have a minor melt down last week when I came to the realization that I have not only let my blog go for too long, but I have also allowed mundane life to get in the way of my love for reading as well. I have not sat and read a book in such a long time that I feel as if I am missing part of myself. This all came to be when I realized that I missed ordering the Fairyloot edition of Chain of Thorns. I actually stood in my kitchen and cried while my husband comforted me.


As I stood contemplating how I allowed life to completely take over my passion for books, I made the decision to change that. I may not be posting all the time but I will be posting occasionally. I will be posting book reviews and continuing the posts about pagan related items such as books and tarot/oracle decks as well. Another thing that I will be continuing is the reviews of children’s books with my boys.


I truly hope that you are all doing well. Thank you for taking the time to read this. I am very happy to be back…again.