Finding Time to Read as a Small Business Owner

Finding Time to Read as a Small Business Owner

Many of you know that I manage the metaphysical store my Father-in-law and I started a while back…well…how the heck do I ever get any reading done? You are about to find out.  Before we begin, let’s talk a little about our business and what my role really is.


Mystic Dragon’s Lair is a new age, metaphysical store that has a presence both on Facebook and in our small town of Medina, NY. It began as an idea and a very small space in our basement and we exploded in a year! It is amazing to see the growth we’ve been blessed with. But with growth, comes more work as well…that is where I come in. My father-in-law currently owns the business and thus handles things like taxes, pay bills…even the really high invoices I rack up buying inventory (Oops), and expansion, etc. He does so much and I can not thank him for bringing this dream a reality. Me, on the other hand, I am the wearer of many hats. Let’s keep it strictly business and leave the fact that I am homeschooling two boys out for now. My official title is General Manager. I make orders, network, contact current and potential suppliers, answer customer questions, manage our two employees…they really don’t need much managing they are spiritual family, help in the store, price and input new inventory, manage current inventory, clean, help with he live Facebook sales, create graphics, post on social media, discuss payments with customers who have overdue invoices, and I am probably leaving many other things out but I am helping us to design a website and get that up and running.


That is a lot, but don’t freak out…I can handle it…most days anyway. If you would like to see a day in the life of a small business owner, I would be glad to show you or write a post sometime. Anyway…there is very, very little time to sit and read anything these days with how busy I am. This is also why my blog has all but become inactive lately.


Let’s face it, 2020 has brought us all many changes. Our company was lucky, we were primarily online based pre-COVID. Many people love our online sales but it also makes us incredibly busy when three or four people have to pack 60 or so packages a week to be shipped. Well…enough about the business…how about we get into how I still manage to find little bits of time to read!




Audiobook New Releases for January 16, 2018


These have been me savior lately! I always have something to do and most times, especially while I am working…and I tend to take work home with me, I am a Capricorn after all. While I have to send out invoices every Monday, I am most likely listening to an audiobook. When we pack on Thursdays, I am also most likely listening to an audiobook. Here are a few other times you can find me listening to an audiobook:

  • Making Orders
  • Pricing Inventory
  • Working on Inventory for taxes
  • Setting the tables for the Facebook Lives

Alright, you got me…almost anytime I am sitting at my desk, I am listening to an audiobook. I do bring my Kindle with me in case I have some down time (I laughed so hard at that…what is down time?).  I hate reading slow though so I always read at 1.5x or 2x speed, depending on the narrator. Our employees and my father-in-law all laugh at me when they hear it. They’ve become so used to it they simply turn on their music and shake their heads at me.





Sleepy Youtube GIF by SoulPancake - Find & Share on GIPHY


This still seems to be the best time to get any reading done, especially as a parent. I remember when the kids would go to bed and I could get some tea and a book and just read all night. Sadly, I am unable to do that now…not because I don’t enjoy it but becuase I have too many other things to do. Once the kids go to bed I have to fold the never ending laundry, clean up the living room, work on homeschool planning and what we will be doing the next day or the rest of the week, etc. I try not to work but alas…I spent most of my time last night looking for new suppliers. So…I have made a vow to myself that after a certain time of night I will no longer do any work…I allow myself a small portion of time each night to just read and relax. This is so hard for me to do sometimes becuase I am a busy body…always doing something…but I know I have to make myself or I will suffer with the loss of my reading time!



The rest of the ways I find time to read from my post about finding time to read as a mom…yep you guessed it…all still relevant! Be sure to check those out!




What are some ways that you find time to read with a busy schedule? I would love to know! Maybe I can adopt some of your methods so let me know in the comments below.

One thought on “Finding Time to Read as a Small Business Owner

  • January 4, 2021 at 5:56 pm

    Great read. I also do the audio book think during the day. Mostly when I drive to the gym and back as that is pretty much the only time I’m allowed out of the house these days. I always take time before bed even if it is only a few pages. This helps slow down the mind enough for me to sleep.

    Keep up the great work you do for your boys and the business. We will be here to read your posts whenever you get the time to write them.

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