Down the TBR Hole: Part 2

Down the TBR Hole: Part 2

We all know that when it comes to Goodreads, it can be very easy to get overzealous and add way too many books (Not that that is a thing!) top out TBR lists. For those that are new to some of the bookish lingo, TBR means To Be Read. This is a list on Goodreads we all add books to as we read their summary and feel ourselves wanting to know more. Too often we add books and forget about them, never returning to see the list until, like mine, it gets out of hand.


This is the time of year to do a lot of self-reflection and let go of that which no longer serves you. Maybe as I go through my own shadow work I will write a post telling you all about what it is and how I am going about doing it. For me, part of that is getting my Goodreads lists organized! To start, I will be going through this huge list of books and narrowing it down only to books that I truly feel pulled to read.


*Note…I might add some as we go through the list, that is always a danger at looking through books!*


Each week I will be deleting books I no longer feel drawn to from my TBR list. I will list the starting number of books on the list and the ending number. I will go through a small number of books each week, listing them and letting you all know if they will stay on the list or be deleted and why. At the end of the post, we will again look at the number of books I started with and what the number is after I have removed some.


Last week I was able to get rid of 4 books out of the 10 I went through. Maybe I will go through 20 today! Let’s jump in and find out.


Starting Number of Books: 613


Io Deceneus: Journal of a Time Traveler

I didn’t even know what this one was! I had to reread the description. It sounds very interesting but I am unsure if it is something that I would reach for anytime soon. This means…it is off the list!



Scream All Night

I do not even like contemporary novels that much…why is this even on here? I could give it a try but I have a feeling that this will simply sit on my TBR list as it has already.  Off the list!



The Lost Books: The Scroll of Kings

Books that come to life?! You had me at “book”! This sounds like such a unique idea! This is a middle-grade book but I think I might read it sometime. Maybe my 9-year-old son and I can read it together. That would be a fun book to grab! This is a tough one but I think I have to take it off of my list for now. Maybe someday in the future…who knows but for now, it is gone!




This is for sure going to stay on the list! I have been meaning to read this book for a long time. I always liked a good mystery novel! How can I not want to see if Sadie finds her sister’s killer? After all, I am a big sister and I would probably connect to this story very well.



Heart of Thorns (Heart of Thorns, #1)

This is staying as well! A dark kingdom and only women can possess magic? I have to know more about this world. Why is it only women can? What is the fate of Mia? I will have to get my hands on a copy of this soon.



Keep Away From GRAS: Generally Recognized As Safe

This is still a very interesting novel concept and I would love to read it. I am not sure if it should stay on my list or not though. Am I more likely to actually read it if I keep it on here? Ehhhh maybe… but this is not a book that I would randomly pick up and read. I would have to be in the right mindset. I will take it off the list for now.




Here is yet another book that I have already read but somehow not taken off of this list… Well, that is about to change! It is now off of this list.



The Ruin (Cormac Reilly, #1)

Another mystery novel huh? The setting is Ireland! I think that this one will be staying, I still really enjoy the thought of this mystery. A woman’s body was found and she left behind two children. Now, grown-up, one of her kids appears dead and the other is wanting to prove foul play…sounds like a great read!



The Iron Flower (The Black Witch Chronicles, #2)

I loved the first book in this series, The Black Witch, so this one is obviously staying on the list!


Always Forever Maybe

I am not sure why I have so many contemporary romance novels on my list because I don’t even typically read that genre. I think this one is gone, I am taking it off.


All the Ever Afters: The Untold Story of Cinderella's Stepmother

I love a good retelling and this book reminds me very much of Wicked. We get to hear the stories from the POV of Cinderella’s stepmom. I still want to read this one so it stays!




ISanctuary (Sanctuary, #1)

I am honestly shocked at how many books I have already read that still remain on this list! Here is another that I have already read. This means that this book is gone! I am taking it off the list.



Rust & Stardust

This one is staying on the list as well! He convinces her that he can have her arrested unless she does exactly what he says…sounds like a great thriller or true crime start. The only thing I am worried about with this is what kind of abuse she is put through. I guess I will find out.


Seafire (Seafire, #1)

This had been on my list for a while but I think it will be staying there. I really have been wanting to read this one…why does life have to get in the way? haha



Seeker's Price (Pieces of Redemption #1)

This fantasy novel was put on my list because it was a giveaway I entered. I love the fact that the main character has to face his own demons on this path he is not on…this will stay on my list.



Hunting Charles Manson: The Quest for Justice in the Days of Helter Skelter

This was added when I was in college still. I do love my criminal justice side but I am unsure if I will ever get around to reading this soooo…I am taking it off the list. Maybe someday…



Stalking Jack the Ripper


I have mentioned that I don’t read much historical fiction but this one I will keep on the list. I have heard great things about this series so I really want to branch out of my comfort zone and give it a chance.


Existence Augmented (Black Band Shorts, #2)

This book was added for a giveaway but I am not sure I will be keeping it here. It is dystopian and sounds interesting but I don’t see myself getting to this one anytime soon. So…off the list it goes.



The City of Brass (The Daevabad Trilogy, #1)


This one is for sure staying on the list! Jeez…this list is making me realize how many books I have not had time for. I would love to see your reviews on this book for sure.



The Telling (The Spinner Sagas, #1)

I actually have this on ym TBR cart right now! Now if only I can get around to it! I think the cover having a crystal on it pulled me in but the summary kept me wanting to know more.



I think I will keep the first Down the TBR hole post short. For the next installment, I will most likely go through 20 books rather than the 10 I did here. Alright, let’s

take a look at the statistics now.


Starting Number of Books: 613

Ending Number of Books: 605


I was able to take off 2 because they had already been read and 6 more that I did not feel drawn to. I was able to take a few more off yay!! I think is actually going well. What do you think?



I hope you all enjoyed this and I look forward to the next installment. I will see you all then!


Remember to post links to reviews for any of these books you have done. I would love to read them and maybe your review can change my mind on keeping or getting rid of one of these from the list.


Disclosure: Affiliate links may be present in the post.