Blog Tour: Catalyst – Tracy Richardson

Blog Tour: Catalyst – Tracy Richardson

Things have been crazy getting the store ready to open and I have not been very active on m blog or social media. However, I knew that I needed to help promote this amazing book!


Today I am happy to be participating in a blog tour for Catalyst written by Tracy Richardson. Before I begin this promo post though, I would like to thank TheWriteReads for organizing this huge blog tour. They truly are an amazing light within the book blogging community! I remember when TheWriteReads had just begun…I’m so honored to be a part of what they now do…what they symbolize. He has managed to bring the book blogging community closer all while support authors. It melts my heart to know such an amazing person has touched the hearts of so many of us. I hope to continue to support others through this amazing group of people. Especially in these times, we need to stand together and hold on to what means most…to many of us, that is books and supporting those in the bookish community.



How about moving on to learn more about another amazing book? I can’t tell you how much I enjoy these tours! The books are fantastic and many of the have messages that allude to issues in our time, issues that many can relate to.


Catalyst (The Catalysts, #2)

Catalyst (The Catalysts #2)  

Author: Tracy Richardson

Published: June 2nd, 2020

Publisher: Brown Books Publishing

Book Length: 248 Pages

Genre: Fantasy (YA), Science Fiction

Buy the book: Amazon


Marcie is spending her summer working on the archeological dig that her mother runs: Angel Mounds, a site of an ancient indigenous civilization. Soon after she arrives, she meet some intriguing individuals, and becomes wrapped up in a supernaturally-charged mission to save the planet from the destruction man has brought upon itself.
Marcie Horton has a sixth sense. Not in the “I see dead people” way, but . . . well, maybe a little. She feels a sort of knowing about certain things that can’t be explained-an intuition that goes beyond the normal. Then there was that one summer four years ago, when she connected with a long-departed spirit . . . But nothing that incredible has happened to Marcie since.
This summer, Marcie is spending time working at Angel Mounds, the archeological dig her mother heads, along with her brother, Eric, and his girlfriend, Renee. The dig is the site of an ancient indigenous civilization, and things immediately shift into the paranormal when Marcie and her teammates meet Lorraine and Zeke. The two mysterious dig assistants reveal their abilities to access the Universal Energy Field with their minds-something Marcie knows only vaguely that her brother has also had experience with. Marcie learns how our planet will disintegrate if action is not taken, and she and her team must decide if they are brave enough to help Lorraine and Zeke in their plan to save Mother Earth, her resources, and her history. It looks like the summer just got a lot more interesting.



Alright…you got me, the cover pulled me in! How could it not? As a pagan witch and creator of a metaphysical store, the crystal had me in awe! Then you know that part where two assistants can access Universal Energy Fields…this is such a pagan thing! Being able to work with different energy fields…I knew that I had to be in on this tour.


Before I go on a tangent, let’s learn about the creator of this engaging story!



About the Author


Tracy Richardson


TRACY RICHARDSON wasn’t always a writer, but she was always a reader. Her favorite book growing up was A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L’Engle. In a weird way that book has even shaped her life through odd synchronicities. She has a degree in biology like Mrs. Murry, and, without realizing it, she named her children Alex and Katie after Meg’s parents.

Tracy uses her science background in her writing through her emphasis on environmental issues, metaphysics, and science fiction. When she’s not writing, you’ll find her doing any number of creative activities — painting furniture, knitting sweaters, or cooking something. She lives in Indianapolis, and, in case you’re wondering, yes, she’s been to the Indianapolis 500.


Don’t forget to grab your copy now and join Marcie on her adventure!!



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