Freebie Friday

Freebie Friday

Friday is here and you all know that means a new free book! How has your week been? Mine has been good…well I have a new story idea so it is great! The only issue is I haven’t edited the one I wrote yet… I will soon, I promise. Then once edited, I send to another editor and proofread…then betas. After that, get a cover and query away, crossing my fingers! Writing a book is a long process but I’ve become addicted I think.




Anyway…today’s Freebie Friday is a book that I found randomly searching Amazon…no, I don’t do that often. I try to find books that you will enjoy and I really think this is one. It has an average of a 4.5-star rating on Amazon with about 1,607 reviews. I think that this is my favorite day of the week on my blog because I am able to bring lesser-known books out in the open and for FREE!! Alright, let’s get to it.




Relentless (Book 1)

Qualify (The Atlantis Grail, #1)

Author:  Karen Lynch

Published: December 26th, 2013

Publisher: Karen Kynch

Book Length: 304 Pages

Genre: Fantasy, Paranormal, Young Adult

Get the Book: Amazon


Sara Grey’s world shattered ten years ago when her father was brutally murdered. Now at seventeen, she is still haunted by memories of that day and driven by the need to understand why it happened. She lives a life full of secrets and her family and friends have no idea of the supernatural world she is immersed in or of Sara’s own very powerful gift.
In her quest for answers about her father’s death, Sara takes risks that expose her and her friends to danger and puts herself into the sights of a sadistic vampire. On the same fateful night she meets Nikolas, a warrior who turns Sara’s world upside down and is determined to protect her even if it’s the last thing she wants.
Sara’s life starts to spin out of control as she is hunted by an obsessed vampire, learns that her friends have secrets of their own and reels from the truth about her own ancestry. Sara has always been fiercely independent but in order to survive now she must open herself to others, to reveal her deepest secrets. And she must learn to trust the one person capable of breaking down the walls around her.



I’m not sure about you but this book sounds interesting enough. It might sound a little cliche, having many aspects of other fantasy novels marketed toward young adult readers, but to me…it sounds like a good read. Besides, it is free so what do you have to lose?


I think I really need to know what secrets Sara is hiding…


Will she get answers about her father’s death? There is only one way to fine out…download the free book!


I hope that you have enjoyed this week’s Freebie Friday post. Please let me know what you think below. Do you think it is something you would read? Let me know in the comments below! What genre of books would you like to see in future Freebie Friday posts?


Disclosure: Affiliate links may be present in this post.
