Would you rather Wednesday

Would you rather Wednesday

Welcome back to Would You Rather Wednesday! I know, I know…it has been a while. I actually took a super short break from blogging. With Mercury in retrograde, I’ve had no drive to really do much. Now that I’m back, I hope that you all enjoy this series. If you would like to keep seeing it, let me know in the comments below. I always loved doing the would you rather questions as a kid so I thought it would be a wonderful way to engage more of you who follow my blog but bring a bookish twist to it.


Would you rather (21):


Have to write a full-length book report on every book you ever read or sum up each book into only one word and never say anything else about it?


Image result for writing gif


Well, some books I could sum up in a word if I really had to. I think the most obvious choice for me would be to write a full-length book report. This would allow me to talk about the characters, plot, world-building…etc. I love to talk about the books I read and only using one word would be difficult for me. I suppose as I write reviews here on my blog I already write a shorter version of a book report so it wouldn’t be too difficult to do…but I do tend to read a lot of books…when I’m in a reading mood that is I suppose.


What do you think…which would you choose?

One thought on “Would you rather Wednesday

  • July 24, 2019 at 7:46 am

    As I am such a huge fan of writing reports I think I will go with the obvious answer of not right the report lol. I would hate to only have one word to talk about a book but it can be done 😁.

    Btw welcome back!

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