Would you rather Wednesday

Would you rather Wednesday

Welcome back to Would You Rather Wednesday! I hope that you all enjoy this series. If you would like to keep seeing it, let me know in the comments below. I always loved doing the would you rather questions as a kid so I thought it would be a wonderful way to engage more of you who follow my blog but bring a bookish twist to it.


Would you rather (20):


Have the main character killed off or their love interest killed off?


This is tough. If they were killed off, I would be a blubbering mess, unless I disliked them but that is unlikely. If their love interest is killed off, I feel their pain…but they could grow. They might have the drive for revenge or discover who they truly are. There are so many chances to grow from that loss and I love a strong character. In this case, I think I would rather have their love interest killed off. I would probably still cry but at least there is a way up from there. The day is always darkest before the dawn…


What do you think…which would you choose?