Saturday Spotlight – Lisa Hobman

Saturday Spotlight – Lisa Hobman

It is Saturday again! I missed last week’s Saturday Spotlight, we had something come up…life. Well…Bookcon was amazing! In addition to our 12 chickens who are now 2 months old, we have 4 turkey hatchlings and 6 more chicks. I know, I know…well here is the story. So my father in law ordered 4 turkey hatchlings before we left for NYC, they arrived Wednesday. That was the first full day we were back. We had to go get them some food that was higher in protein than the chicken feed. As we were at the store I began looking around…who doesn’t? Well…I saw they had lavendar orpington chicks and some blue laced red wyandottes. I’ve really wanted some lavendar and blue orpington chicks becuase they are just adorable. I was going to buy them online but they cost around $22-$35 per chick depending on which breed you buy. These were only $8.50!! In NY state when you buy chicks you must buy a minimum of 6. So…we bought 4 of the lavendar orpingtons and 2 of the blue laced wyandottes. We now have a total of 18 chickens…but hey, they will be laying lots of eggs when they start. We will freeze dry some and as a family wego through so many eggs!


Aside from that, life has been pretty good. We have the pool fence up and it is getting warm enough to swim! Yay!! Sunbathing while reading poolside…here I come. But…let’s move on from me and talk about today’s amazing author shall we?


Hello and welcome to my favorite day of the week here on my blog…SATURDAY SPOTLIGHT!! These are the days where I have the honor of talking with an author who might be new to you. I get to tell you a bit about them, their social media sites and their books. That isn’t the best part though…the best part is interviewing them or having them do a guest post. This allows potential readers to get to know a little bit about the author behind their amazing covers.


My goal with these posts is to introduce you to a new author or book. Take a chance, maybe you’ll find something you fall in love with. There are so many amazing authors in the world that go unnoticed because they are not in the spotlight. I want to change that. If you are an indie or lesser known author, get in touch with me. I would like to help share your work. I do this all free of charge, publishing a book is expensive enough. I promote authors because I love what they do. I will never charge for promoting a book or author on my Saturday Spotlight posts.


Well, now that I’m done with that rant, what do you say we get right into today’s post? Today I am excited to be talking with Lisa Hobman. She is the author of many novels but her most recent is A Summer of New Beginnings. If you need more ‘chick lit’ in your life…check out her work.






1) Thank you for being here today, Lisa. It is an honor to showcase your newest novel, A Summer of New Beginnings. As I understand, this novel takes place in the all so beautiful Scotland. Have you ever been there? What are some of your dream summer vacation spots? Could you describe your ideal summer?
Lisa: I absolutely adore Scotland. So much so that we relocated here in 2012 as a family! I fell in love with the scenery on a family holiday many years ago and it stuck with me. Every time we came home from a holiday I felt homesick. So, back in 2012 we decided there was no need to wait until retirement to make the move and we are now living in a beautiful Scottish village. My books are all based on places I have visited around the country, and as most of our holidays have been based in the Highlands that’s the main location for my stories. I think my dream vacation would be the north coast of Scotland or maybe Canada. Seeing as I’m terrified of flying I usually settle for the miniature version of Canada and stick with Scotland! My ideal summer would be spent with my family in a mansion house by a loch or one of the stunning Scottish beaches. Lots of sightseeing, photography and reading too. I’m not really a sitting by the pool or on a sun lounger type of person so I relax in other ways. Scotland is the perfect location for that!


The Bibliophagist: I might be a little jealous now. Scotland is so beautiful from the pictures I’ve seen and the fact that you moved your entire family there is just so amazing. It melts my heart to think of you all enjoying a nice summer vacation in a mansion house by a loch. Those images are gorgeous by the way, if I was not already jealous…I am now. I bet many of you are dreaming of visiting there now as well.



2) Summer is a time of love, laughter, and overall joy. Music is often a part of that. Can you give us some examples of what your main character would listen to? A summer playlist of sorts.

Lisa: Oh I love listening to music in the summertime! My main character in A Summer of New Beginnings sings The Proclaimers songs as she’s riding her bike around the Highlands. They are a firm favorite of mine too. Their music makes me smile and I feel it’s the perfect summer soundtrack. You can’t help but feel upbeat when you’re listening to ‘I’m Gonna Be (500 Miles)’ They have a copy of my book too which is incredible.
The Bibliophagist: I have to agree, I can’t help but smile when I hear their music. Light-hearted music is perfect for the summer season. I have to agree…that is incredible that they have a copy of your book!! Maybe everyone should play their songs as they read to fully immerse themselves in your story.



3) Editing is a long process and much of the book can be changed or rewritten. Was there anything you removed from this novel that you can share with your readers?

Lisa: I’ve been really fortunate that nothing major was removed from the book. Anything that was taken away was fairly minor. My editor at the time, Lucy, was great to work with and her suggestions only made the book better I believe.
The Bibliophagist: That is really the best, having an editor that you work well with. I know that having a good relationship with your clients is not just good business but it helps you work toward making that book the best it can be. That type of relationship is special, cherish it because not everyone finds that.



4) What are some of your writing norms? For example, do you snack, drink, listen to music? If you had to give up one of those which would it be and why?

Lisa: I have to write in silence as I can’t concentrate with background noise. But I tend to breaks for musical inspiration. So I will look up a particular song on YouTube or Spotify and listen for a few minutes to give my eyes a rest from the screen. The Proclaimers featured heavily during my breaks when I was writing A Summer of New Beginnings! I like to have grapes in a bowl beside me so I can snack too and whoever is home when I am writing knows to bring me plenty of fruit tea! I think if I had to give up on one it would be snacking as I can’t type and dip into my grapes at the same time. Or I could get someone to come and feed me! Hahaha!
The Bibliophagist: I always listen to music but I have to be careful with Youtube. If I am listening to Kpop I tend to get distracted by the videos…
I snacked a lot while writing as well and my husband was always supportive, buying me anything I needed while I wrote. I drink a lot of tea also! I think that finding someone to feed you is a great idea! They can feed you grapes right from the bunch like ancient Greek times. Now I am laughing thinking about that.



5) Writing is difficult, there is no question about that. There are so many different aspects that go into making a book and not all of them are enjoyable or easy. Do you have a writing Kryptonite? If so, what is it and can you explain how you manage to overcome it?

Lisa: I’m a master procrastinator. I find Facebook, Twitter and the internet in general are really distracting for me. I will hop on to share a post and find I have lost an hour of writing time! I’m terrible! I’ve tried logging off but then I get notifications on my phone. So I tried turning that off but then found I was wondering what I was missing! Another thing that bugs me is writer’s block. It doesn’t happen often but when it does I have to walk away and do something else. Maybe reading as I don’t tend to read romance novels when I am writing, or watching something like Ghost Adventures on TV, something totally removed from what I’m writing. I then find that when I come back my blockage is cleared or I have another story idea!
The Bibliophagist: Writer’s block is the worst! I find that keeping my mind off of the novel and on a different task such as watching TV or reading another book, I might gain some inspiration. I am not distracted as much my social media but I can see why it is! We put it away and then wonder what everyone we talk to is up to, if we are missing some important story, etc.



6) What has been one of the most surprising things you have learned through writing a book? Are there any lessons that you’d like to pass on to others?

Lisa: I’ve learned that I need to be so much more patient. I want everything to happen yesterday and in this business nothing happens quickly. So I think I would like to pass on to potential authors to be patient. Don’t try to rush things. If something is worth having it’s worth waiting for. Now if I could only take that advice myself!
The Bibliophagist: This is a problem I feel many of us have, I know I do at times. I want to see that progress right away but don’t usually get to. It is not only in writing that this happens but in all things. Working out for example…we want to see the finished product rather then enjoy the journey. Take your time and enjoy smelling the roses, so to speak. Nothing in life that’s worth it is ever easy.


About Lisa Hobman




Lisa is a happily married mum of one with two energetic dogs who make cameo appearances in some of her books. She loves writing and creating new characters and now has the pleasure of writing almost full time.

In 2012 she relocated, with her family, from England to their favorite place in the world, Scotland, and they’re now happily ensconced in village life. The stunning country she now calls home was the inspiration for her writing career and so it’s only fitting that it features in all of her books.

Writing has always been something she’s enjoyed, although in the past it has centered on poetry and song lyrics; some of which appear in her stories. But to now be a published author is a real dream come true.

Lisa recently qualified as an editor and proofreader at distinction level through the College of Media and Publishing and now provides these services for self-published authors. See the page LH Editing Services for more details.


Lisa’s Books


Be sure to visit Lisa’s Goodreads page or website for a full list of books she has written! There is a good handful at least so you are sure to find one you like among these fun romances.


**Remember to click the book image to read more about it and buy your copy today!**


A Summer of New Beginnings


A Summer of New BeginningsA Summer of New Beginnings


What Becomes of the Broken Hearted


What Becomes of the Broken Hearted: The most heartwarming and feelgood novel you'll read this yearWhat Becomes of the Broken Hearted: The most heartwarming and feelgood novel you'll read this year





Thank you again, Lisa Hobman, for being such a fantastic Saturday Spotlight participant. I think my favorite part were the pictures of Scotland that she shared with us. Weren’t they beautiful? They transported me there…I could see myself hiking those highlands. If you enjoy light-hearted romance novels that make perfect summer reads, p.s. summer is nearing, then check out these books by Lisa Hobman.


**Again, If you are an author interested in being hosted on Saturday Spotlight contact me! I would love to help support you and your work.**


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