#READshadowhunter Discussion post: Clockwork Prince (Week 2)

#READshadowhunter Discussion post: Clockwork Prince (Week 2)

Welcome, everyone!! We are now well into the second book of the Infernal Devices for the #READshadowhunter readathon; can you believe it?! I love the shadowhunter world and I was even more excited to share my joy with Stephanie and other fans. Be sure to visit Stephanie at Books in the Skye. For those of you who don’t know what this readathon is, that’s alright because I am going to talk a little bit about #READshadowhunter before getting into the discussion just so those of you who are new know what this readathon is all about.


The world is full of people who love the Shadowhunter series written by Cassandra Clare. I even ran into two of her fans at Barnes and Noble yesterday while I was taking a break from writing! We chatted a while about her books among others and it honestly made my day. Stephanie decided that she wanted to reread the series and better yet, she wanted all Shadowhunter fans to join in. Thus, #READshadowhunter was created. This is no ordinary readathon though. Many of you are thinking “There are so many books and I’m crazy busy. How the heck am I going to manage this?!” I’ll tell you… We are only reading one book a month so that everyone can keep up even if their lives are busy with blogging or reading other books. Yep there you go. Even people as busy as myself can manage to keep up with this one. I know the #OWLsreadathon2019 is going on as well so we are all busy this month. As far as OWLs go…I’d rather not talk about it. I gave my writing a front seat for a while.


Although these book series’ were published in a specific order, many of us agree they read better in a different order. Therefore we are starting with the Infernal Devices. The first book is Clockwork Angel and although you don’t need to follow along, there is a reading schedule for the entire readathon as well as each book to make it a little easier. We are not through week one of Clockwork Prince.



Readathon Schedule



Clockwork Prince Reading Schedule


Isn’t that super easy to follow along with?!?! That is roughly 100 pages a week! My husband does a chapter a night. Sometimes I do one, others I do two. Each Monday there will be a discussion post with two questions provided by Stephanie and then the discussion post host will expand with any further thoughts they might have. There will also be a Twitter chat after we finish each book. The final Monday of the month is when you can all see my review of that month’s shadowhunter book.

So, let’s get to our #READshadowhunter Discussion Post!


There will be spoilers so do not read if you do not want to see them!



1. We finally learn of Will’s curse. When he was little a demon had placed a curse on him that anyone who he loves and loves him in return will die. In response to this, and to save those he loves, Will sacrifices everything. He pushes people away and refuses to let anyone care for him. Would you make this same sacrifice?


Honestly, yes. I am the type of person who cares too much for people, seeing them lost and knowing it was my fault would ruin me. I would seclude myself as Will has done. I would make everyone hate me because them hating me is easier than watching them die and knowing it was my fault. So, yes Will acts like a big jerk but his heart is in the right place.





2. Jem tells Tessa about how Will asked (or told) him to become his Parabatai. Jem didn’t want to at first because he knew he was dying. He told Will that he deserved someone who had a better chance of living but Will refused. If you were Jem, would you feel the same? Would you not want to be a Parabatai because of your illness?


I would feel that I am putting a burden on that person, having them pair with someone who is prone to weakness as Jem is. I think I agree with Jem as well. What if I died? Do you know how much pain that would cause them, both physical and emotional? Well, I do, a lot! As I said above, I care too much for people. I hate seeing others in pain, regardless of the source of pain. Knowing that my Parabatai was capable of so much more but held back because of me…that would be just as hard as watching them slowly fade away.


Further Thoughts


Man, oh man…I don’t even know what I want to talk about here. So many things happened during the last few chapters. I would like to ask the same two questions above to any readers, I would love to hear your responses.


I really can’t wait to continue reading and I honestly don’t know what to write here at the moment.  My head is filled with so many things about this book and it is hard to put those jumbled thoughts on to paper. I would love to see some fans jump in and talk more about how they feel about the book so far so let’s hear it! What do you think?


Who is your favorite character so far?


What has been one of your favorite scenes?


I love any scene where Jem and Tessa talk, they are so kind and honest with one another. I am really loving that we get to see more of Magnus in this book. He is such a fantastic character, through the entire Shadowhunter collection. I think the diversity of these characters and their backstories are what makes me love them so much. But I will also add…again…Jem and Tessa are my OTP (one true pair). They are so sweet together and I love both of them so much. Honestly, how can anyone not love Jem? I see a budding romance and wish it would bloom. Maybe I will fall more for Will if he drops his tough guy act and opens up to Tessa! But I still think Jem and Tessa are meant to be. Speaking of…I have a Will plushie but really need a Jem or Tessa one, that would be great!


Do any of you have a little shrine or collection of Shadowhunter items? I do and my husband mocks me for it but all in good fun. He knows how I feel about the series, it is so dear to my heart. I started reading this in the middle of high school and never stopped! This is a world I would love to see myself in. Would you like to live behind the veil of the Shadowhunter world?

4 thoughts on “#READshadowhunter Discussion post: Clockwork Prince (Week 2)

  • May 15, 2019 at 4:18 am

    I really wish I had the time to participate, I ADORE these books. Have fun!

    • May 15, 2019 at 1:20 pm

      Thanks!! We only do a book a month but sometimes I agree I have no time and have to rush a few nights before my post haha

  • May 15, 2019 at 4:30 am

    “Honestly, how can anyone not love Jem?”- This is me, Jem is one of my favorite characters of all time and my heart broke so many times for him throughout this entire series. However, I do feel that Will and Tessa are more suited for each other!!

    • May 15, 2019 at 1:19 pm

      I see will and tessa but I just love Jem so much!

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