The Bookish Mom Book Tag

The Bookish Mom Book Tag

Happy Mother’s day to all of you fellow book-loving moms in the world. I had the inspiration to create an original book tag and being a mom, this one just felt right. Many moms will be able to relate to this and I hope you all enjoy your day as well as this tag. Remember, today is about you so do something nice for yourself, like buy a new book!



  1.  Tag the creator of this tag (The Bibliophagist) as well as the person that tagged you.
  2. Complete the bookish mom prompts.
  3. Tag as many people as you want.
  4. Have fun. (Drinking wine while doing it counts as having fun, once the kids are in bed of course.)



“I lost my pacifier/favorite animal/blanket”

A book you can’t live without


This Mortal Coil (This Mortal Coil #1)This Mortal Coil (This Mortal Coil #1)

There are so many books that this is really hard to choose! There are many books I would not want to live without but if I have to choose one I would say… This Mortal Coil. I loved this book so much! You can see my review here. I am a huge biology nerd so this was a fantastic book for me. It was filled with action and biology terms, and…ugh I just love it so much. If you haven’t read it, what are you waiting for?!?!




“Can I stay up just for five more minutes, I’m not tired.”

A book that kept you up late at night


Wicked Saints (Something Dark and Holy, #1)Wicked Saints (Something Dark and Holy, #1)


I devoured this book! When I began reading it I wasn’t really sure that I would enjoy it as much as I did. Even if I only have 5 minutes to spare while waiting for my younger son to go on the potty, I picked up my kindle and continued reading. I read in the bath and stayed up late because I just had to see how this ended. I really enjoyed this book and I hope you did, or do if you haven’t read it yet. See my review here.




Hiding your chocolate or snacks from the kids

Your guilty pleasure book


One Smoking Hot Fairy TailOne Smoking Hot Fairy Tail

I love this series so much. I’m not typically grabbing a book full of sex and romance but this hooked me from the beginning. I connected with Sabrina, the main character, and I became invested in her story. I admit I enjoyed the sex scenes…I am an adult after all. A mom…I know how all of that works, where do you think my kids came from? This is a book that I would curl up with and just dive into, losing myself in the story of Sabrina London.


I was going to say Fifty Shades of Grey but I decided that I liked this series more.




“Where is your other shoe?!?!”

A series you own that is not complete


Illuminae (The Illuminae Files, #1)Illuminae (The Illuminae Files, #1)

I have the first book, Illuminae, but I haven’t even been able to read this yet. I know, I know…no need to scold me for it. I am a busy mom after all. A mom is only one of many, many titles I hold. I really enjoy the writing style combination in this book and I am really excited to complete my collection if I can find hardcovers for sale at affordable prices.



“Hurry! We are late for the bus!”

An ARC or review that you did not finish on time


The Beast PlayerThe Beast Player

I did not necessarily have to review this but I won an ARC via Goodreads. I just never got around to reading it, especially since life has been so busy lately. This is on my TBR cart though! It sounds good and I hope to get to it eventually.



“Mooom…I neeeeed it! I want it now!”

A book you bought solely for the cover


The Girl King (The Girl King, #1)The Girl King (The Girl King, #1)

I have been reading a lot of Asian inspired fantasy novels lately, if you know me then you know I love Asain cultures. I was actually walking through Barnes and Noble after the traumatic experience of seeing my favorite used bookstore had closed. I was upset…seeing the store empty, not a book in sight. My husband decided to take me to Barnes and Noble instead. This cover caught my eye and I knew I was in for a great Asain fantasy.




“Mommy. Mommy. Mommy”

A Book you can’t stop talking about


The Gilded King (Sovereign, #1)The Gilded King (Sovereign, #1)

If you are an adult looking for a more ‘grown-up’ vampire novel…go and buy this right now! Don’t even finish reading my post…just go. There are actually a few books but most recently, Anne Wheeler’s books and Josie Jaffrey’s novels. I love Josie’s so much though! I tell anyone I meet that likes vampires about these books. The storyline has a unique twist and I love the world building!






A book everyone tells you to read but you refuse


Twilight (Twilight, #1)Twilight (Twilight, #1)

I know this was a huge book when it came out, even more so when the movies came out. I just never felt the hype. To me, vampires do not sparkle…I could not get over that. I also just didn’t feel the storyline much. People still try to tell me it is a great book but I’ll never read it.


“But Whhhyyyyy?!?!”

A book that left you on a huge cliffhanger or emotionally traumatized you


Descendant of the CraneDescendant of the Crane


I survived Descendant of the Crane!!!! Barely, but I did it. This book was so good and the ending…ugh! I know that I’m not alone in this! Joan He even had buttons made but I missed out on those so I think I have to make something for myself, maybe a shirt or book sleeve. I saw some crane material on Joanne’s I think. Anyway, I’m not sure how to describe it but this book was so emotional and I loved it.



“Are we there yet?”

A book that you forced yourself through


Bloodwitch (The Maeve’ra, #1)Bloodwitch (The Maeve’ra, #1)

I didn’t actually finish this book. I did force myself to read all the way to about 60% though. There were some mother and son sex scenes that I just couldn’t overcome. I know it isn’t real…I read greusome things all the time. I’ve read about kids dying etc and been fine but for some reason, I could not get passed this. It really did not sit well with me. The way the men treated the women in the book as well…this was just not a good book for me.




“It’s not faaaiirrr!”

A book edition that everyone has that you really want


Lady Midnight (The Dark Artifices #1)Lady Midnight (The Dark Artifices #1)

I am desperate to get my hands on this book!! I don’t have what most people want to trade and those who are selling want over $500 for just that one book! I am a mom and can’t afford that! I have the others in the Waterstone editions but I’m missing this one. I think I would actually cry if I managed to get my hands on this edition.


Well, there you have it…my original Bookish Mom Book Tag! I really hope you enjoyed it, feel free to tag yourself and have fun with it! I’m not sure which of you are moms and which aren’t. Even if you aren’t a mom, you have one and I promise you that you’ve said at least one of these things during your childhood.

Have a great Mother’s day and don’t forget to tell the mom’s in your life, blood related or otherwise, that you love them.

5 thoughts on “The Bookish Mom Book Tag

  • May 12, 2019 at 1:22 pm

    This was great and a fun read.. awesome job on your first book tag!

    • May 12, 2019 at 2:47 pm

      Thanks! It was a lot of fun

  • May 15, 2019 at 4:42 am

    Awesome tag!

    Loved reading all your answers and belated Happy Mother’s Day to you. I hope you had a good one.

    • May 15, 2019 at 8:00 am

      Thank you so much

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