Freebie Friday

Freebie Friday

How has everyone been? Have you had a good week? Mine was pretty good. The weather is finally warming up here so the boys and I have been able to get some time outsisde playtime in. On Monday they put their new boots on and played in the mud, though it was still a little chilly.


Input images of boys in mud


That is one of the most fun things to watch, the boys getting messy and just enjoying themselves. I don’t care how messy they get, I have a washer and bath/shower. Besides, playing in the mud and dirt boosts their immune system while they enjoy being kids. It’s even better when I get some great photos and then can sit and read a book after chasing them for a while. A perfect day has a few requirements…a good book, and happy kids.


We could all use more books in our lives and that is why Freebie Friday is one of my favorite posts to write. I love helping people find ways to read on a budget. P.S. I am working on a post about that so keep your eye out.


I would love to give you all free physical books but it is not something you will find on Amazon. They are often costly but their digital counterparts are another story. Ebooks, aside from being cheap or free have some other advantages, find some pros and cons here. Today I hope to bring you a novel that you might take a chance on. These books will be free at the time of my post, but because I am unable to see the future, I cannot promise these will stay that way. So, if you like them purchase them as soon as you can.

Berserk: The Dragon Seed Series: Book One of Four


Berserk (The Dragon Seed Series Book 1)

Berserk: The Dragon Seed Series: Book One of Four

Author: Resa Nelson

Published: January 8th, 2019

Book Length: 104 Pages

Genre: Fantasy (YA)

Get the Book: Amazon


When Benzel is a boy, his family is murdered and his village is destroyed by berserkers. Now grown, he dedicates his life to finding the berserkers responsible but is stymied at every turn by magic, dragons, and dragonslayers. Benzel meets a monster that can help him, but at what cost?


The summary for this might be short, but that’s all it needs. This is the first book in a series of four. Of course, a boy will seek revenge for his family that was murdered when he was young…but what makes this interesting to me is the magic dragons and dragonslayers. I am a sucker for any good dragon book, hence my newest addition to my book shelve (Priory of the Orange Tree). Another aspect of this that caught my attention was the other monster that Benzel is destined to meet. I want to know what this other monster is and what the cost of having its help will be.


And let’s not forget the cover! I bet this is beautiful in print. It is simple but not too simple. I think my eye would be drawn to this on a shelf at the library or bookstore. You have nothing to lose by downloading this book so why not give it a chance?


I hope that you have enjoyed this week’s Freebie Friday post. Please let me know what you think below. Do you think it is something you would read? Let me know in the comments below! What genre of books would you like to see in future Freebie Friday posts?


Disclosure: Affiliate links may be present in this post.

2 thoughts on “Freebie Friday

  • March 29, 2019 at 1:12 pm

    Thanks for the post! I downloaded my copy because I love the premise and fantasy has been really fun to read this year for me. Dragons? YES! I have The Priority of the Orange Tree on my Amazon Wish list. As far as other genres, I do enjoy rom coms that are “clean” or at least PG to break up the heavier reads.

    • March 29, 2019 at 1:17 pm

      I’ll keep my eye out for some!
      Priory is sitting on my bookshelf but I haven’t had time to read it yet😭🙈

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