Freebie Friday

Freebie Friday

Welcome back to Freebie Friday! I hope you are all ready for another fantastic free book to add to your already overwhelming TBR piles. I had a good week. Before I get started, I wanted to take a little chunk of your time to remind everyone to be kind. If you are active in the book community on Twitter then you are aware of what happened with the Goldsboro preorder of Aurora Rising. I want to say that I am dissapointed in the behavior of many of the people I saw commenting online. People were very quick to turn nasty when the site crashed the first day and the store continued to take store phone orders. The company was quickly called “improfessional” and many threatened never to buy from their store again.


I understand how frustrating that must’ve been but there was no reason to become so hostile. The second day, they put the preorder up again…without notice or warning of what time. Many were mad again, I can see why. Not everyone can wait around all day waiting for it to come up. Then the site continued to crash many times. It was crazy! Everyone once again became irate. I was stuck on the processing screen for well over an hour. That is when the nasty messages began again. People began tearing the company down and there was no reason for it. Goldsboro is a small, independently owned company and do not have the backing to handle large influxes of orders such as this on their website etc. It was frustrating but if you’d like the book that badly, buy another edition. Jay Kristoff has mentioned that there might be another UK edition but we have to wait to hear more.



In the end, remember that is a book…it is not worth being so vicious to others over. Yes, I am infuriated with those who got copies and already listed them on Ebay for well over $100. It makes me sad. But keep in mind that ont he other end of the phone you are yelling into is another person, on the other side of that computer screen is a person trying to make you happy. We have no idea how stressful this was for the employees or what else they have going on in life. There is no reason to ever treat another person like that over a book. It just makes me sad.


Now that my rant is over…just remember to breath and be kind to those you interact with. Is it really worth ruining someone’s day over? So..on to more positive things… a Free Book!


I would love to give you all free physical books but it is not something you will find on Amazon. They are often costly but their digital counterparts are another story. Ebooks, aside from being cheap or free have some other advantages, find some pros and cons here. Today I hope to bring you a novel that you might take a chance on. These books will be free at the time of my post, but because I am unable to see the future, I cannot promise these will stay that way. So, if you like them purchase them as soon as you can.

The Watchers of Eden (The Watchers Trilogy #1)


The Watchers of Eden (The Watchers Trilogy Book 1)

The Watchers of Eden (The Watchers Trilogy #1)

Author: T.C. Edge

Published: November 3rd, 2015

Publisher: Creatspace

Book Length: 396 Pages

Genre: Science Fiction, Dystopian

Get the Book: Amazon

Her gift is her curse. Her world is her prison. Her fate is bigger than she knows…
In the hot and harsh farming region of Agricola, 16 year old Cyra prepares to be tested to discover what duty she’ll hold for life. All school leavers across the regions are in the same position, and few expect anything more than to follow in their parents’ footsteps and stay in the region they live in.
For Cyra, there was never a choice. With her father dead and brother and sister assigned elsewhere, she’s desperate to stay close to her sick mother so she can take care of her.
On the day of the Duty Call, however, Cyra’s world turns upside down in one stroke. She’s to be assigned to Eden, the largest and most powerful sea city and central hub of control. Only the most important live there, and no one from Cyra’s town has ever been assigned there in her lifetime.
So, she sets off on a journey away from everything she knows, without knowing what her duty will be. Soon, she discovers that she, along with a small number of school leavers from across the regions, has a special power; a gift that will pit her as a secret protector of the nation.
Only, it’s not a gift, it’s really a curse, and before long Cyra will learn that her once small world is filled with a great deal more corruption and injustice than she ever thought possible.


Ahh..yes…the gift that is really a curse. What can I say, I am a sucker for seeing characters suffer because that means they have room to grow and I can be there for it! This sounds like a decent read and it has some great reviews on both Amazon and Goodreads, even better…it is a trilogy. It has all the potential to be a great story so what are you waiting for?


Go grab that book!


I hope that you have enjoyed this week’s Freebie Friday post. Please let me know what you think below. Do you think it is something you would read? Let me know in the comments below! What genre of books would you like to see in future Freebie Friday posts?


Disclosure: Affiliate links may be present in this post.

6 thoughts on “Freebie Friday

  • March 22, 2019 at 9:16 am

    I missed this drama as my internet has been spotty but I always try to remember that I am dealing with people. Shops websites regularly crash when there is a crazy amount of people trying to access the site. This even happens on Tesco’s site when they put up the Christmas delivery slots and they are a huge company. Thank you for the freebie. have a great weekend. šŸ™‚

    • March 22, 2019 at 9:33 am

      I think many people lose sight of that. Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoy the book

  • March 22, 2019 at 11:12 pm

    I missed the drama aswell as I was working I think.. I logged on and saw people complaining of others being so unkind and I didn’t understood at first — The worst in that situation, is the poor workers that got yelled at probably couldn’t even DO anything about that ! If there was a company dealing with their website for them… no amount of yelling would’ve allowed them to even know or be in power to do anything.
    Books are supposed to be HAPPY things, not making you angry or hurt someone else !

    Oooh that book does sounds good indeed !

    • March 23, 2019 at 8:28 am

      People don’t think, they let their anger take over. I would’ve brought the workers a treat but i live in the US…

      • March 23, 2019 at 10:42 am

        yeah- you’d be surprised of how much rude people ive got in a COFFEE SHOP.. hopefully they haven’t took it too personnal

        • March 23, 2019 at 10:44 am

          I worked in 2 walmarts. A target. And a starbucks…I’ve seen it all! People get nasty really fast. I hope the workers just brushed it off.

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