Would you rather Wednesday

Would you rather Wednesday

Welcome to my newest addition to my blog. I am not sure this is an actual thing yet, but I am going to make it one…because I can. First I want to mention that I got the idea from Krystyna (Turning the Pages) and her weekly bookish meme challenge. I took part in her post last week, but Wednesdays work better for my blogging schedule, so I created my own weekly challenge meme. I hope that you all enjoy it!


Would you rather (5):


Have a friend write a bestselling series where the villain is based on you


have your parent publish a memoir about all of your most embarrassing childhood stories



Oh man, I did choose a hard one this week huh? I would hate to hear some of these embarrassing stories, although I do not remember too many of them. But as parents, we remember all of them so I am sure there are many lurking in my mother’s mind…if she could remember any of them. She has a terrible memory.

I am a super nice person, most times I am too nice. Having a villain based on me might be a nice change of pace. Personally, I would hate being seen as cruel or vindictive in any way…but it would be a fictional tale after all. If it truly was based on me…that would be the world’s worst villain ever. I guess if the friend told everyone that is not how I truly am then I would be alright with it. If that was the case, I would rather have a friend write a bestselling series where the villain is based on me. The world does not need to know any of the embarrassing things I did as a child, does anyone really want the world to know that?


What do you think…which would you choose? What is your most embarrassing story from childhood? What type of villain would you be?

2 thoughts on “Would you rather Wednesday

  • November 21, 2018 at 10:48 am

    You are correct you would be a horrible villain lol.
    Your side kick: Cassandra what are we doing today?
    You: We are going to kill the world with kindness *insert not so evil laugh*
    Side kick: ??
    You: *Gives hug*

    Lmao I kill me.

    I on the other hand would make a great villain. ? no one needs to hear my embarrassing stories. I’m glad I grew up before it was cool to post everything on social media. Lol

    • November 21, 2018 at 10:51 am

      Yea I’d be evil until I saw someone who needed help…so yea…

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