Would you rather Wednesday

Would you rather Wednesday

I want to welcome you all to my newest addition to my blog. I am not sure this is an actual thing yet, but I am going to make it one…because I can. First I want to mention that I got the idea from Krystyna (Turning the Pages) and her weekly bookish meme challenge. I took part in her post last week, but Wednesdays work better for my blogging schedule, so I created my own weekly challenge meme. I hope that you all enjoy it!


Would you rather (1):


Read only series or stand-alone books for the rest of your life?


This is a tough question. There are many stand-alone books that I simply fell in love with. I mean, Stephen King was my first favorite author so I have read many stand-alone novels. It is a wonderful way to read work from a new author and really get a feel about if you enjoy their writing style, etc.  I think the real struggle is that I enjoy a world so much that I do not want to leave. I already know each character and have developed a relationship with them. I know their background, what makes them tick, etc. Stand-alone books put me in a position where I have to learn all of this over again, in some cases, it is great learning about new characters but I enjoy those I am familiar with and have grown close to. I am forced out of the world and the character’s lives before I am ready to be…unless written well. For this, I have to say that I would prefer to read only series. Although, waiting for the new books to come out would be hard, especially when left on a huge cliffhanger but I think it is worth the wait, even if only to be able to revisit old friends and sometimes enemies. Bonus points if all the covers match and look beautiful on my bookshelves!

What would you choose? Do you enjoy staying in a book realm as long as possible or discovering new adventures and characters in each novel? How do you feel about a series that does not have matching covers? Let me know in the comments below.

10 thoughts on “Would you rather Wednesday

  • October 10, 2018 at 9:21 am

    For me this is an easy one. I love all….well most books lol. But I get to wrapped up in the world and characters of my books. I put myself into their story and live right there with them. I absolutely hate teaching the end of a series. It hurts my heart…all most as bad as a break up would.
    So I would chose to only read series. Just so my heart does not have to be broken as much ????.

    • October 10, 2018 at 9:25 am

      That makes complete sense. I agree that I’m sad when a series ends

  • October 10, 2018 at 10:18 pm

    Hands down I would read only standalones. I actually prefer standalones because I like to not have to wait, and often times the story gets dragged out needlessly in a series.

    • October 10, 2018 at 10:34 pm

      I agree with the wait. It’s so hard knowing the story isn’t over but you have to wait a year to find out what happens next. I have seen stories drug out as well. I suppose it is hut or miss. Thank you so much for participating

    • October 10, 2018 at 10:57 pm

      I do agree that books can be drug out a bit. Robert Jordan did that alot in his books but the meat of the main story made up for it.

      This is what I love about this book community that my wife has introduced me too. Books no matter series or stand alone bring people together. There is always a book to be found and people who are dying to read it.

  • October 11, 2018 at 11:12 am

    Standalones! I can hardly ever follow series, unless it’s extremely good! One that I followed and really loved was The Bartimeaus Trilogy ?

    • October 11, 2018 at 1:18 pm

      I’ve never heard of that one! I’ll have to look it up

      • October 11, 2018 at 1:31 pm

        Till today I still think of Bartimeaus ? And I read it like years ago!! ?

        • October 11, 2018 at 1:32 pm

          Awesome! I love books that stick with us

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