Book Blogging 101 – Set a Schedule

Book Blogging 101 – Set a Schedule

Welcome back to Book Blogging 101. I am no expert, these are simply things that I have discovered or learned from my book blogging journey. I hope that these tips and tricks I share can be helpful to you.

Tip #7: Set a Schedule

It is very beneficial to have a blog schedule. A consistent schedule allows your followers to know what to expect and when. For example…how many times a week will you be posting on your blog? I post about five times a week, but that is a lot! Some book bloggers only post once or twice a week.

Here is a list of a few factors you have to consider when setting your schedule

  • Type of posts
    • If you are doing only book reviews you might post less frequently than someone who participates in many weekly features.
  • Personal Life
    • If you have a busy personal life and have limited amounts of time to allocate to blogging, you will post less often than those who stay home all day or are younger and have less responsibility. For me, I am a full time stay at home mom. I do not get much personal time until my kids are in bed.
  • How fast you read
    • The ability to speed read is wonderful but not a necessity. Many book bloggers read at a slower pace and that is ok! Just do not plan on reviewing 2 books a week if you are unable to do so. Do not put unnecessary stress on yourself.
  • What days?
    • Do you want one post at the end and another at the beginning of the week? How about every other day? Are there days you refuse to post on? For me…I try to avoid making posts on the weekend because I allocate my time to my kids.

My tip to those who are like me and have a busy life is to take advantage of the ability to schedule posts ahead of time. I am not always ahead in writing blog posts, but I love when I have some spare time and I can get a few days of posts written. This helps with avoiding burnout. Having a set schedule might help circumvent the dreaded blogger burnout.

I am looking for a super nice planner, but in the meantime, I have a simple calendar that I printed offline that I use to keep track of my posts or ones that I already have scheduled. If you have any suggestions please let me know in the comments below!

Ultimately, remember that this blog is not a job and is supposed to be enjoyable. If you find that it is becoming too stressful, reduce the number of posts you make or take a break altogether. There is no obligation to post every day of the week, we all have lives offline afterall and those are what is most important. Having a schedule shows your readers that you are committed and they can expect certain things from you. It also alleviates some stress, the knowledge of when you need to post. You no longer have to throw a post up the night you write it. Make a schedule, stick to it…most of all, have fun!


Well, I hope you enjoyed this Book Blogging tip! Do you have a blog schedule? How far ahead are you with writing blog posts or are you like me and write as you go? Do you have any advice for fellow book bloggers?

15 thoughts on “Book Blogging 101 – Set a Schedule

    • September 11, 2018 at 8:32 am

      Thank you! I think too often book bloggers get to caught up in the need to be popular. We feel we have to post all the time and read the most anticipated books. It’s easy to get stressed, especially when you don’t get the interaction you’d like and you don’t compare to popular bloggers. We all need to remember that this should be a hobby, not a job.

    • September 11, 2018 at 8:33 am

      Thank you!

  • September 11, 2018 at 8:03 am

    This is a great tip. I can imagine the stress of trying to keep a blog going. Setting a schedule and doing your best to keep to it should reduce everyone’s stress immensely.
    Blogging and reading are suppose to be fun stress free activities.

    Thanks for the tip. Have a great time with your reading for the week.

  • September 11, 2018 at 8:33 am

    Thank you

  • September 11, 2018 at 10:32 am

    Great tips and explanation! You definitely don’t have to post a lot to be consistent.

    I use a combination of tools to stay on top of my blog posts. I use a mini-calendar to visually see what will go up when, make to-do lists everyday of broken down tasks, and schedule posts so I can see them in the WordPress dashboard and remember when they need to go up. Each week looks a little different, but I’m transparent with my blog followers and post a weekly update each Sunday to keep everyone informed.

    I’ve also started trying to work a bullet journal into my daily life to help keep track of blog duties in another way. ^_^

  • September 12, 2018 at 12:21 pm

    A blogging schedule actually made me way more productive, so I cannot echo the sentiments of this post enough!

  • September 12, 2018 at 3:21 pm

    I don’t really have a schedule…But I just make sure I review every (if possible) book I read 🙂

    • September 12, 2018 at 3:23 pm

      That works well too for some. I try to stick to a schedule, i like planning things. ?
      I review them all though sometimes I’m at a loss of words

      • September 12, 2018 at 3:26 pm

        Hey, same here! It’s not easy to write a review 🙂

        • September 12, 2018 at 3:27 pm

          Especially when you love the book soooo much!

          • September 12, 2018 at 3:44 pm

            yes…or when you are in-between….or when you dislike it and you wanna be respectful of the author 🙂

          • September 12, 2018 at 3:45 pm

            I think being a book blogger and reviewing is much harder than people think!

          • September 12, 2018 at 4:07 pm

            yes! Cant agree more! 😉

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