Saturday Spotlight: Megan D. Harding

Saturday Spotlight: Megan D. Harding

Welcome back to my Saturday Spotlight series! I want to thank all the authors that I have had responses from already, I am forever grateful. I love this opportunity to give back and support you all. Authors are really amazing! I could never tell them how much I appreciate them. Books were my lifeline growing up and remain that way to this day. When I need an escape, I know I can always turn into the pages of a book. I can live a different life than the one I have here. I can become anything that I want to be. In my dreams, I venture too far away realms that I have dreamed of and create bonds of friendship with characters that were once formed with simple words on paper.

Today, I have the honor of not only presenting a wonderful indie author but presenting a friend. Megan D. Harding is a wonderful person that I am honored to know. I have actually helped edit a novel of hers. I know her as not only a great author, but a good friend and an amazing mother as well. Now, without any further adeu…let’s learn a little about Megan and her novels.


About the Author




Megan D. Harding is the wife of a US Marine and stay at home mom of three kids. She is a Christ follower, coffee addict, Ravenclaw, Hobbit, diaper changer, and a girl who has lived many lives through books. Hobbies include napping, watching movies, and creating characters from Pinterest. Author of Fallen and Uprising. She believes creating stories is magic, and everyone needs a little magic in their lives.


Meagan’s Novel


The Coin and the Crown

The Coin and the Crown by [Harding, Megan D.]

The Coin and the Crown

Fallen (Fallen Book 1)

The Fallen Series: Book 1 Fallen by [Harding, Megan D.]

The Fallen Series: Book 1 Fallen

Uprising (Fallen Book 2)

The Fallen Series: Book 2: Uprising



Megan was happy to answer some questions I had for her. I am grateful that she took the time to do so. I know her time is limited, especially now that she is the mother of 3!




Picture this: You feel uninspired and you’ve sat at a computer for an hour without conquering any words. How do you get your creativity flowing?

I usually have a million stories and characters in my head at once just dying to get out, but I have hardly any time to write. When I do get to sit down and type away, it’s more like picking which story to write. However, like many writers, I do experience writer’s block. To get the creativity flowing, usually, a good sugary snack and a trip to my Pinterest inspiration board does the trick.

Do you have a favorite character you have written? If so, Who and what makes them so special?

I love all of my characters, even the ‘bad’ ones. Amira in The Coin and The Crown was fun to write because she is so unlike me. She’s spunky, outgoing, and strong. I liked being able to live through her and have her make choices that I normally wouldn’t. My personality falls more in line with the co-protag, Arryn. So, writing about someone who seeks trouble and can stand up to people helped me explore a different side of me.

What is your favorite word and why?

The first word that comes to mind is adoration. To be honest, I’m not entirely sure why. Maybe it’s the way it sounds as it rolls off of my tongue. Adore, adorable. I’ve been called ‘Adorkable’, which isn’t a real word. Maybe I have a deep desire to be adored. I’ve often wanted to name a fictional city Adorria. Possibly soon.

What makes this particular genre you are involved in so special?

I write in many sub-categories; Christian fiction, Fantasy, Young Adult, Romance. It’s important for me to always find ways to represent my faith, without pushing it on others. I want to give young Christian’s a wider variety of fantasy books that can be deemed appropriate, yet… awesome. We live in that Nonfiction world. I think it’s so important for us to stretch our imaginations in the world of fantasy. Imagination helps us to make sense of the world around us in creative ways. At the end of the day, my favorite thing is to shed off the stresses of my everyday life and dive completely into a different world and engulf myself in a reality that is both completely different from my own, yet similar in certain aspects.

Do you read much? Who are your favorite authors?

I read when I can. I have three kids, one of which is a new baby. I hardly have time to shower or eat. I sneak any chance I get to read, even if it’s in the parent pick up line at Kindergarten. Growing up I was obsessed with Jane Austen and William Shakespeare. Of course, I would be lying if I said Rowling wasn’t a favorite. Recently I have fallen in love with Marie Lu, Marie Rutkoski, Lauren Kate, and Mary E. Pearson. If I could, I could go on for days on other authors, but these are all authors I am currently reading. I listed everything on my nightstand. If I went to my bookshelf we’d be here all day.

What did you want to become when you were a child? Did that steer you toward becoming an author?

I have always had the same goals, more or less. I would go to college, get married, have kids, become a teacher, and write. I was once told that writers didn’t make money, so I put it aside. Self-doubt ate at me. One day, I just woke up with a story that wouldn’t go away, so I wrote it down. I haven’t stopped since. To this day, I have a husband, three kids, and plan on teaching soon. Writing is one thing I will never give up. I’ve had a taste, and now my hunger grows every day.

Does your most recent book have a lesson? A moral?

I try to add morals and lessons in all of my stories. Instead of one specific lesson, The Coin and The Crown has many smaller ones I believe. I want people to understand that they can be more than one thing. A.K.A, not just a mom.

In the story, characters are given a destiny. Fisherman, crafter, soldier, etc. Amira is given servant but has a desire to lead. She’s a warrior at heart. Toward the end of the book, I think she comes to realize that leading and serving go hand in hand. The story will dive deeper into the next book. Aaryn’s character arch will really show as he learns he can’t please everyone and he truly comes into his own person. Amira grows into a darkness but finds redemption is always possible.

What do you like to do when you are not writing?

When I’m not writing… I’ve breastfeeding, changing diapers, cleaning the house, cooking, driving kids everywhere, trying my hardest to get the kids asleep at the same time so I can steal a nap, or watching Doc McStuffins for the millionth time. Sometimes I sneak away to my closet with a bag of Oreos and a good book.

Share a photo with the readers that embodies your idea of happiness.

I chose this photo because I find reading and water relaxing. Peace is happiness, especially as a mom.


What advice would you give to writers struggling with their first novel?

Just write. The water can’t flow if the faucet isn’t on. It doesn’t have to be good, it doesn’t even have to make sense. Write it and make it right later. A page full of bad ideas is better than a blank page. Writing takes practice and hard work. Keep notes, take breaks to clear your head, and read. read. read. You can’t get anything out if you don’t put anything in.




Now, I know this is what you are all really here for…the chance to win a free paperback copy of Megan’s most recent novel, The Coin and the Crown. I do have to mention this is a U.S. only giveaway due to the extreme shipping costs overseas. I hope you understand. Goodluck everyone!

a Rafflecopter giveaway



I want to thank Megan again for being more than willing to participate in this new blog series of mine. She really is a wonderful person, I hope that you all enjoyed today’s Saturday Spotlight as much as I did. I really loved her advice to aspiring writers. As a mom, I also know peace is happiness, but so is the commotion…the joy of being a family. But, I can’t lie, when the kids go to bed at night I finally have peace. It is amazing! This is the time I use to read and blog.

If you are an indie author who is interested in having your work promoted during one of my spotlights, contact me and in the subject area insert Saturday Spotlight. If you are an author who has participated, please spread the word. I would love for this to be continuous. I look forward to hearing from you.


Disclaimer: This Post may contain affiliate links.

One thought on “Saturday Spotlight: Megan D. Harding

  • August 25, 2018 at 12:21 am

    This interview with Meagan was great. A lot of her responses resonate with me. Two things in particular: when she said leading and serving go hand in hand and he advice at the end. Imo yo be a great leader you have to know your people and in away be a servant to them. If someone feels that you are there to help/take care of them they will follow you to the end of the earth. I love her only advice response but her words at the end “You cant get anything out if you dont put anything in,” was the best and could not possibly be any truer. GREAT INTERVIEW!!!

    I know a lot about her latest book since we have talked about it before but I am actually looking forward to reading it and putting all the small pieces together and it making since. 🙂

    I hope you keep this series going forever it’s my favorite one 🙂

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