Goodreads Monday

Goodreads Monday

Happy Monday everyone! I hope that you have all had a wonderful weekend. I know that I had a great time spending quality time with my family. I love my boys! I am really enjoying the summertime and having time to spend with the kids. It will be super nice when the pool is finally complete! When they grow up it will be those moments they remember, not all the toys the did or did not get. They will remember me getting in the sand with them, helping build sand castles, playing cars, reading…of course. It is the small things that matter most and that stay with us.

Now…being Monday, you all know that means Goodreads Monday! This weekly event is hosted by Lauren’s Page Turners. To take part, simply choose a random book from your Goodreads TBR (To Be Read) list and show it off.

Now onto the good part, yet another book from my Goodreads to read shelf…which is always growing larger with each Goodreads Monday post that I read. I am serious, every Monday my TBR list grows by about 5 books. Why are there so many great books and so little reading time?


Four Dead Queens   Four Dead Queens

Author: Astrid Scholte

Published: February 26th, 2019

Publisher: Putnam’s Sons Books for Young Readers

Book Length: 416 Pages

Genre: Fantasy



Seventeen-year-old Keralie Corrington may seem harmless, but she’s, in fact, one of Quadara’s most skilled thieves and a liar. Varin, on the other hand, is an honest, upstanding citizen of Quadara’s most enlightened region, Eonia. He runs afoul of Keralie when she steals a package from him, putting his life in danger. When Varin attempts to retrieve the package, he and Keralie both find themselves entangled in a conspiracy that leaves all four of Quadara’s queens dead.

With no other choices and on the run from Keralie’s former employer, the two decide to join forces, endeavoring to discover who has killed the queens and save their own lives in the process. When their reluctant partnership blooms into a tenuous romance, they must overcome their own dark secrets in hopes of a future together that seemed impossible just days before. But first they have to stay alive and untangle the secrets behind the nation’s four dead queens.

An enthralling fast-paced murder mystery where competing agendas collide with deadly consequences, Four Dead Queens heralds the arrival of an exciting new YA talent.

I have been patiently awaiting this novel since I first heard of it. I would cry if I got my hands on an ARC! I follow Astrid on twitter and love hearing about her novel. I hope that it is as good as the hype.

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Have you been lucky enough to get your hands on an ARC of this? Is this a book that you might enjoy? What are some books on your Goodreads to-read list? Do you find yourself adding many more to your TBR list on Goodreads Monday?