Would You Rather – Bookish Edition

Would You Rather –  Bookish Edition

Happy Friday everyone! I hope that you have some good weekend plans. By that I mean, spending time with your family. As you all know I refuse to post on Saturday or Sunday. This is because I believe those weekends should be sent with your family, quality time…not on your phone or on social media. I also have a very exciting message…I am for sure moving my blog to self-hosted this weekend. I have been putting it off but I am finally going to make the jump. I am super excited. Bluehost is the service I have chosen and sadly the domain name I want is taken so I will have to use a different extension, but that it alright. Be sure to watch for my updated blog next week. Thank you all for being so supportive and following my silly thoughts on the magic things that we call books.

Well…today I decided to bring something a little different. I saw this post on Bookish Frienship and could not help but give it a shot. I loved playing would you rather as a child, I actually still have a would you rather book with some very nasty choices, I will spare you the details. It was always a fun game with friends. I hope that you all enjoy this bookish version of would you rather.

Would You Rather…


Read only series or stand-alone books?

This may be difficult for some to choose, but for me, it isn’t. I love both stand-alone and series. They each bring something unique. However, I love being able to get lost in a world and continue bonding with characters. I really enjoy reading long series more than stand-alone books. There is just something special about being able to read a new book that expands on the world and characters you already know. Although, it is awful having to wait a year or many more for the next book in the series to be released.

Read a book whose main character is male or female?

I suppose that I am indifferent when it comes to this topic. I could care less what the sex of the main character is as long as they are a good character that I am able to bond with. Though, that is not how would you rather works. I cannot just say neither…I must pick one. I suppose in this case I would rather read a book whose main character is a female simply because I too am a female. I could bond more and better understand a  female character.

Shop only at an actual bookshop or online?

This one is too easy, I would rather shop at an actual bookshop. There is something about picking up a book and holding it that cannot be replaced. The image of a book cover does not always do it justice either. The colors are often more vibrant in person. And who can compete with feeling the matte finished covers?!?! I love them! I cannot smell a new book online but I sure can in a store when I pick it up.

Want all books become movies or TV shows?

TV shows for sure! There is a larger opportunity during a TV show. You are not limited by time restrictions, which is a huge barrier between books and their movie counterparts. I would be able to look forward to a new episode each week, though I would have to wait patiently after the cliffhanger they left me on. I have read the first book in The Strain trilogy and was super happy to see they made it a TV series. I just have not watched more than the first episode…too little time in the day.

Read five pages a day or five books per week?

This one is tough for me. On one hand, five pages are not much…only a teaser. But, five books a week is a lot. I would still rather read five books a week. Five pages are just not enough! I would just be getting into the story and have to stop. How cruel! When I read, I zone out…put my entire being into the story. I could handle five books a week so long as it did not interfere with my time with my husband or two boys. Despite how much books mean to me and how much I love them, my family comes first. But that doesn’t mean we can’t read as a family. We used to always have family reading time, thirty minutes a day.

Be a professional book reviewer or an author?

Hmmm…anouther tough one. I am a professional book reviewer, or at least I like to think I am. What really defines me as a professional anyway? I am also in the early stages of writing my own book which is an amazing adventure in and of itself. It is a lot of hard work but so fun! In the end, I suppose I would rather be a book reviewer. I love taking the journey in many books. As an author, I am not sure I would be able to bring as much joy to everyone as others bring to me in their novels.

Only read the same 20 books over and over or read a new book every six months?

Oh my goodness… If the 20 books were my favorites, I suppose that I could only read those. I just love reading new books though. I would love to read a new book all the time but six months apart is a really long time. Could I read old books in between the new books? If so, I choose that one!

Be a librarian or own a bookshop?

I actually want to open a used bookshop!! Being a librarian would be nice, but I want to be a place where people can buy and sell books. I have a whole plan for a little bookstore and coffee shop.

Only read your favorite genre or your favorite author?

I would love to read all the books by my favorite author, but I have a hard time picking simply one author. For this reason, I would rather read books only within my favorite genre. It opens me up to so many books! Who knows, reading books within my favorite genre and not sticking to one author leaves me open to discover so many more amazingly talented authors.

Only read physical books or e-books?

Obviously physical books. E-books have their advantages, but I much prefer physical books. The weight of a book in my hand, the smell…nothing compares or could ever compete. Find more of my thoughts on this topic here.

Thank you all for reading this fun bookish would you rather. I hope that you enjoyed it. I would love to see your answers. Please feel free to comment below and do the post yourself, be sure to tag me so I can read it and comment.

6 thoughts on “Would You Rather – Bookish Edition

  • July 13, 2018 at 11:45 am

    Ooh, love this post!! Might have to give it a try too 😀

  • July 13, 2018 at 12:21 pm

    Great post my love. I am a little busy right now to write my own answers but I will log back on a little later. ❤

  • July 13, 2018 at 8:29 pm

    Hello again I’m back. 🙂 For me alot of this questions are pretty easy. As this is not my blog and can cheat if I want too lol. I am going to skip the what is I find that I cant choose and if I did it would be for no other reason than a coin flip.

    1. I hate when books end. I get too caught up in the world and characters. I have read some stand alone books but I prefer to read books where I can become lost in a world that is not my own.

    2. If I had to choose between my worlds being depicted on the big screen or a sit com. I would have to go with the movie screen. I had a hard time with this one. Growing up I did not care one way or another i just want my favorite worlds to be brought to life. Then two things happened. The lord of the rings and the Chronicles of Shannara. Now like most fantasy lovers, I love the Tolkien. Seeing it the big giant screen was the best. When I heard that one of my two favorite series, the shannara series, was going to get brought to life I was as giddy as a teenage girl who just got concert tickets to their favorite boy band or my wife getting to meet a kpop band lol. Then the worst thing happened. It aired :(. Now if I never read the books I would have found it very entertaining but alas I read and was very disappointed. Movies have a much higher budget then TV producers have. So as long as the big producers stick to the book then I will go with them.
    The rest I will answer fast to save some time as most of you most likely are no longer reading this long comment lol.
    I would prefer to read my favorite genre instead of just one author. I love ebooks because I read them anywhere but hard copies will always be my favorite.

    Thanks for the discussion posts babe. I find them very fun. I love reading all the comments and finding out I am not the big weirdo.

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