Goodreads Monday

Goodreads Monday

I hope that you all had a good 4th of July. I took my older son to see some fireworks while my mother-in-law stayed home with my younger son. He is usually in bed by 7:30pm and fireworks did not even begin until 10pm, so we were not going to keep an almost 2-year-old up that late. It was nice though. Do you enjoy fireworks? Do you have a favorite? I really love the super loud ones that you can feel in your chest. Those are the best! Anyway, let’s get on with it.

Being Monday, you all know that means Goodreads Monday! This weekly event is hosted by Lauren’s Page Turners. To take part, simply choose a random book from your Goodreads TBR (To Be Read) list and show it off.

Now onto the good part, yet another book from my Goodreads to read shelf…which is always growing larger with each Goodreads Monday post that I read.

City of Ghosts (Cassidy Blake, #1)


City of Ghosts  City of Ghosts (Cassidy Blake, #1)

Author: Victoria Schwab

Published: August 28th, 2018

Book Length: 272Pages

Genre: Fantasy

Buy The Book: Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Book Depository, Kobo

Cassidy Blake’s parents are The Inspectres, a (somewhat inept) ghost-hunting team. But Cass herself can REALLY see ghosts. In fact, her best friend, Jacob, just happens to be one.

When The Inspectres head to ultra-haunted Edinburgh, Scotland, for their new TV show, Cass—and Jacob—come along. In Scotland, Cass is surrounded by ghosts, not all of them friendly. Then she meets Lara, a girl who can also see the dead. But Lara tells Cassidy that as an In-betweener, their job is to send ghosts permanently beyond the Veil. Cass isn’t sure about her new mission, but she does know the sinister Red Raven haunting the city doesn’t belong in her world. Cassidy’s powers will draw her into an epic fight that stretches through the worlds of the living and the dead, in order to save herself.

I follow Victoria on Twitter and have been patiently awaiting this novel so that I may read it! The main character is referred to as Cass, that is what many call me…short for Cassandra. I am not sure how I would feel about seeing ghosts. It could be cool and scary at the same time, depending on who I saw I suppose. Anyway, this sounds like an interesting read and I would love to get my hands on a copy.

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Have you read this book? If so, what were your thoughts? Is this a book that you might enjoy? What are some books on your Goodreads to-read list? Do you find yourself adding many more to your TBR list on Goodreads Monday?

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