Freebie Friday

Freebie Friday

Happy Friday, everyone! I hope that you have all had a wonderful week. This week has been pretty good for me, actually. I finally chose to begin editing the novel that I wrote in 2018. It is a daunting task; I have never written a book, so there is a lot of work to be done. I am looking forward to it, at least right now.


I have also gotten some reading in. I only finished eight books this month, which is still a win. I am still on track for reading 100 books this year. This year will be when I find myself again, begin doing things for myself, and make time for self-care, which means reading and working out. Are there any personal growth goals you have this year? What is your reading goal?


But before I ramble on, let’s move on to the free book! I wanted to do something different than my typical choice. This time, I chose a free comedic paranormal romance novel.


Let’s get to today’s FREE book, shall we?

License to Bite (New Orleans Nocturnes #1)  

Author:  Carrie Pulkinen

Published: March 23rd 2020

Book Length: 230 Pages

Genre/Audience: Paranormal Romance, Comedy

Get the Book: Amazon


It’s all fun and games…until someone wakes up dead. Governor’s daughter Jane Anderson is used to getting what she wants. When a girls’ trip to Mardi Gras thrusts her into the arms—and fangs—of New Orleans’ hottest vampire, he gifts her with immortality, super strength, and a complexion to die for.
There’s only one tiny problem. Jane faints at the sight of blood.
When Ethan Devereaux meets Jane, his cold, lifeless heart learns to beat again. Convinced she’s his late fiancée reincarnated, he turns her, claiming her as his own. But when Jane wakes up dead in Ethan’s attic, she’s loud, sassy, and downright ornery. He doesn’t know if he should kiss her or stake her, but one thing’s for certain…
She is so not his long-lost love.
But Ethan turned her, so he’s stuck with her. Jane has three weeks to learn the ways of the vampire and get her license, or she’ll be staked. If Ethan can’t help her overcome her aversion to blood, his undead life might also be on the line.
Join the supes of New Orleans Nocturnes as they lighten up the darker side of the Big Easy in this fast, steamy romantic comedy.

 I have read my share of paranormal romance novels, but I have never read one that was also a comedy. This sounds like an excellent relief for someone in that reading slump. An interesting take on vampires; this is sure to be an easy read. Jane has to learn the way of being a vampire or die. It has some really great reviews on Amazon and Goodreads.


It’s free…FREE!! You’ve got nothing to lose. Will you be giving this book a try?

Is this something you would read? Let me know below!
What genre of free books would you like to see next?

Disclosure: Affiliate links may be present in this post.

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