Witchy Wednesday

Witchy Wednesday

Happy mid-week everyone! How has your first week of 2020 been? We took the boys to an indoor play area the other day to get them out of the house.


The most exciting thing is that the full moon is soon! I want to do a ritual, considering I follow Selene and all. Selene is the Greek goddess of the moon. Have you ever just stopped to stare at the moon? She’s gorgeous! The dark sky and bright moon, it calls to me. I might meditate and pull some tarot cards…I’m not sure what else yet. During the last week of the month, I’ll be in Tuscon for a huge gem show. We have to stock up on inventory for the business. Speaking of…our business is doing very well. I love learning the metaphysical properties of each stone. It is fascinating and I’m, in a way, able to help people.


But I know some of you just want to read the rest of the post so maybe I should just move on huh?



Now, being a witch means there are so many things to spend money one…crystals, tarot decks, herbs, books, etc… However, it also means we try to use everything around us as well. I’m not rich and can’t just buy the most expensive things. That is where this next book comes in hand.


Supermarket Sabbats: A Magical Year Using Everyday Ingredients

Supermarket Sabbats  

Author: Micheal Furie

Published: October 8th, 2017

Publisher: Llewellyn

Book Length: 336 Pages

Genre: Non-Fiction, Spirituality, Reference, Pagan, Witchcraft,

Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 

Buy the book: Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Book Depository (Use my referral ID: The Bibliophagist

Disclaimer: I was given a copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. This in no way impacts my review of this book.

Enhance Your Sabbat Celebrations with Practical and Fulfilling Kitchen Witchery
Celebrate the Wheel of the Year and the Wiccan sabbats with recipes, spells, and rituals prepared using ingredients easily found at the supermarket. This book features a complete year’s worth of magical practices that are just as effective when done with common items as rarer ones.
Organized by season, Supermarket Sabbats presents seasonally relevant magic, from formulas and correspondences to a full ritual for each of the eight sabbats. Discover how to banish negativity and make prosperity brews. Cast blessings of love and abundance, create magical protections and family crafts, and explore many more ideas that build upon the energies of the sabbats. Michael Furie combines ancient knowledge and traditions with twenty-first-century methods, providing you with the best of both worlds.


I knew I’d love this book as soon as I’d read about it. Sometimes it is difficult finding ways to celebrate sabbats and save money. This book is perfect! With recipes for incense, oils, etc., it is a perfect reference book. I know that I’ll be using this often. The novel gives a recipe and then explains how to make that specific oil or whatever it is we are making. After that, there is a spell we can use that item in.


My favorite part is that at the end of each chapter, it gives a full list of groceries to buy at the supermarket to complete everything in that section. I really look forward to making some of these. I think I’ll start with the cauldron of inspiration. I will be using many of these in my sabbat rituals. There is only one thing I wish was different. I wish there were a few images to show either herbs used or what the outcome of the potpourri would look like, etc.


The book is organized by season, starting with winter, the start of the witch’s new year. The true essence of each season and sabbat is captured in these magical practices. Micheal Furie did an amazing job with this book and anyone would be honored to have a copy.


If like myself, you were looking for some sabbat ideas that are more affordable this is a great book for you! Also, if you are a closet witch, these simple supermarket ingredients might be easier to obtain than some other ingredients. Nobody will think twice about you buying rosemary or cinnamon. This is for sure a must-have book for any new witch or one looking for some new ideas about using the materials around you.



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Thank you again to Llewellyn for sending me this amazing book! This is going to be well used! I can’t wait to read more books from this publisher.

What are some of your go-to beginner witch books? What sabbat books do you always go to for ideas?

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