Witchy Wednesday

Witchy Wednesday

Happy mid-week everyone! It is officially 2020! How is your first day of this year going? I think soon you’ll see a post for my 2020 reading of blog goals. I’m not sure if I’ll post about it or not yet. Do you set goals for yourself? How was 2019 for you? Did you meet the goals you set at the beginning of the year? I did! I actually met my Goodreads goal which was…amazing. I was going strong for a while but when I started my business with father-in-law, things got really, really busy. There was a time where I didn’t think I’d make it this year.



Image result for 100 books gif


I did it this year…100 books read! Wow was that difficult with so much other going on in life. I can say that I am proud and exhausted. I am starting off early this year and going to keep those numbers high. However, I will not force myself to rush through books just to see that count move higher.



Here is another witchy book because well…I can’t get enough of them now. I’m soaking up all I can with regards to this path. If you have any suggestions on books I’d love to hear them, comment below! If you have a review of it…better yet! Alright, let’s get on with it.


The Gray Witch's Grimoire

The Gray Witch’s Grimoire

Author: Amythyst Raine

Published: May 25th, 2012

Publisher: Moon Books

Book Length: 175 Pages

Genre: Non-Fiction, Spirituality, Reference, Pagan, Witchcraft, Astrology

Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 

Buy the book: Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Book Depository (Use my referral ID: The Bibliophagist

Disclaimer: I was given a copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. This in no way impacts my review of this book.

What makes this book unique? The world of the gray witch has been largely avoided, misrepresented, or glossed over with various books geared gingerly towards ‘protection magic’. These books, though informative and well written as they may be, have totally missed the spirit of the gray witch – who she really is, how she relates to the world of shadow and light, and exactly what she’s willing to do to stand her ground. In our society ‘dark’ is automatically viewed as ‘evil’, and ‘light’ is automatically viewed as ‘good’. We’re expected to live completely within one realm and to totally avoid the other. This creates imbalance and is a great injustice to the true spirit of the ancient wise woman. This book puts matters to right and gives the public a view of just what the gray witch is – and what she isn’t. The gray witch does not live in a world of chaos or unbridled black magic. She has a code of honor, a sense of propriety, and relevance in today’s society.


This book has everything a beginner needs!! I consider myself a gray witch, I live in the balance. As with light and dark in nature, there is light and dark with all things…it’s all about finding the balance. Before we get too far….this cover is darkly satisfying! I love the contrast of the owl’s eyes. The three witches in the background flying on their besoms are something someone might miss at first glance.


I really love the amount of detail this book offers while maintaining simplicity for beginners. The moon section, herbs, and crystals are my favorites. I think I’ll use the drawing down the moon ritual as my first one from this book. When I said this book has everything, I meant it was packed with useful information. It has things from herbs, crystals, color correspondences, meanings of the days of the week, spells, etc. I could go on but you should really just pick up this book for yourself. This is going to be my go-to book for quick references. I know for sure that this will become a very well used book within my practice.



Moon Books

Moon Books

Thank you again to Moon Books for sending me this amazing book! This is going to be well used! I can’t wait to read more books from this publisher.

What are some of your go-to beginner witch books?

Disclaimer: This post may contain affiliate links.

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