Blog Tour – Author Interview: Ben Galley

Blog Tour – Author Interview: Ben Galley

I’m back…yes I was just on this tour yesterday but I  obviously couldn’t get enough and had to come back. Today I am doing something a little different. Rather than talking specifically about what I think about one of Ben’s books, I am talking to Ben himself! Yes, you read that right. So…keep reading for an exclusive interview with the one and only Ben Galley!


About the Author




Ben Galley is an author of dark and epic fantasy books who currently hails from Victoria, Canada. Since publishing his debut The Written in 2010, Ben has released a range of award-winning fantasy novels, including the weird western Bloodrush and the epic standalone The Heart of Stone. He is also the author of the brand new Chasing Graves Trilogy.




The Bibliophagist: Thank you so much for joining me today. I have been really excited to talk to you about your work. You have written a large number of books, which is amazing by the way, and they all have great feedback. Out of all the series you have written, which is your personal favorite? Why?


Ben: Thank you! That is a tough question, to begin with, but I like a challenge. I think an author’s debut book will always hold a special place in their hearts, and it’s the same with my first series – The Emaneska Series. Not only does it represent my first foray into the book industry and fantasy genre, but it marked a turning point for me. Emaneska is the incarnation of my decision to make a career out of writing.


The Bibliophagist: The first book of yours that I’ve read was The Written. Can you tell readers a little bit about what it is and where the idea for this series came from?


Ben: The Written is a Nordic-inspired epic fantasy set in a frozen, war-torn world called Emaneska. A fragile peace exists between the Arka, the guardians of magick, and the dragon-riders, but a theft of a spell book will threaten to bring war back to Emaneska. It falls to the Written mage Farden to investigate this theft and unravel a plot by an ancient enemy.


The idea was originally sparked by the concept of tattoos being used to imbue magical power in an individual. The Written mages are the only ones who can stand such power, making them elite soldiers. I also draw a lot of my inspiration from mythology, and there is such a wealth of ideas in Norse mythology.


The Bibliophagist: When looking for what makes a fantastic book, I don’t need to look any further than one of yours. The story idea is always original and from what I’ve read (The Written), you have a talent for character development and amazingly vivid world building. Many argue about what the most important aspect of the story is, what is that for you? Characters? World-building? Plot? Do these change rank of importance depending on the story you are telling?


Ben: First of all, thank you! For me, they are all equal. When building or starting a fire, there is such a thing as a “fire triangle”. The corners of this triangle are air, fuel, and heat, and if one of those corners are removed, the triangle – and therefore the fire – fails. I see the writing process like the fire triangle: with plot, characters and world each forming an important corner of the structure. If any of these are weak, the triangle – or the story – fails. As such, I try to work on all aspects equally. It’s tough but important!


The Bibliophagist: I’ve heard that you have many other talents aside from writing. What are some other things we might catch you doing? What are some of your hobbies or skills?


Ben: I’ve had the opportunity to try a lot of different activities over the years, so it’s made me a jack of all trades. I spent several years at an academy called the ACM, studying bass and modern music. When I’m not writing, I’m usually recording vlogs or animating artwork, which is another passion of mine, or drawing maps – something I’ve done since I was a child, and I create maps for each of my books. Aside from that, I snowboard, surf and spend a lot of time exploring British Columbia. And when I finally get to relax, I turn to gaming.


The Bibliophagist: Your novels span a variety of genre as I’m sure many readers enjoy crossing genres as well. Too much of the same thing can become dull. Can you tell us who some of your favorite/inspirational authors or books are?


Ben: One of the books that originally inspired the Emaneska Series was American Gods by Neil Gaiman. Not only because of the subject matter and his absolute mastery of storytelling, but the way that he describes scenes, situations, and internal thought processes are mesmerizing. It was the book that got me back into writing and pushed me to take a professional stab at the author life. Other authors that continue to inspire me are – to name but a few – Robin Hobb, Joe Abercrombie, and JRR Tolkien.


The Bibliophagist: We, as humans, have a tendency to dream about our lives and what they would be like if we lived in our favorite books. Which book world would you choose to live in? Who would you befriend and what do you think your experience would be like?


Ben: The first fantasy tome that opened my eyes to the possibility of other worlds was Lord of The Rings, and so that’s always held a special place in my heart. I’d binge with the hobbits of the Shire for a while before trekking to Rivendell and Laketown to soak up the epic sights. I like to think I’d have a peaceful, unbothered time, seeing as I’d have no ring to destroy. I’d also be hanging out with Gandalf, so he’ll have my back.


The Bibliophagist: Can you show us a picture of your writing space? Do you enjoy specific snacks or beverages while writing? What are some writing quirks or habits you have that readers might not know about?


Ben: My writing space changes all the time as I like to keep things fresh. Either I’m writing in my little writing nook, perched in front of an array of screens, or I’m out and about in the wilds, soaking up the landscape or wildlife for inspiration. I sit on benches around Victoria Harbour and Beacon Hill Park, or lurk in taverns, or just drive to the nearest hill or forest and write in my car. That’s the beauty of a laptop or mobile, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.


The Bibliophagist: Finally, I know many people are wondering, what are you working on now? What can we expect to see next? How many ideas do you have that you have yet to write?


Ben: I’ve got a vat of ideas bubbling away, waiting to be written. I’m a fastidious note-taker and write down every single idea I have. I currently have about 50 ideas for short stories, novels, and series, ready to explore. Currently, I’ve gone back to Emaneska – my original world – to write a new trilogy and sequel to the first series. It feels fantastic to be back in this frozen, dangerous world, and to be amongst old friends. After that, I have another two trilogies waiting to be scribbled! No rest for the wicked, they say.


The Bibliophagist: Thank you again for coming to chat with me today! I hope that your fans enjoyed this as much as I did. Be sure to check out his books an treat yourself to a fantastic new read by an even more fantastic author.



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