Freebie Friday

Freebie Friday

Welcome back everyone! If you are reading this then you’ve officially made it through to the first Friday of May…happy Freebie Friday. To make the day a bit better, how about a free book? Good because I have another one for you. Today’s book is a SCI-Fi. I found this ironic since a highly anticipated book by a very similar name is being released May 7th… Aurora Rising. I just started the ARC via NetGalley and I’m in love with it! So, why not give a lesser known SCI-FI book with a similar title a chance?


Let’s check it out…


Starshine: Aurora Rising Book One (Aurora Rhapsody, #1)


Starshine: Aurora Rising (Aurora Rhapsody Book 1)

Starshine: Aurora Rising Book One (Aurora Rhapsody, #1)

Author: G. S. Jennsen

Published: March 23rd, 2014

Publisher: HyperNova Publishing

Book Length: 583 Pages

Genre: Science Fiction, Romance, Space Opera

Get the Book: Amazon


Space is vast and untamed, and it holds many secrets. Now two individuals from opposite ends of settled space are on a collision course with the darkest of those secrets, even as the world threatens to explode around them.
The year is 2322. Humanity has expanded into the stars, inhabiting over 100 worlds across a third of the galaxy. Though thriving as never before, they have discovered neither alien life nor the key to utopia. Earth struggles to retain authority over far-flung planets and free-wheeling corporations while an uneasy armistice with a breakaway federation hangs by a thread as the former rebels rise in wealth and power.
Alexis Solovy is Earth Alliance royalty, her father a fallen war hero and her mother an influential military leader. But she seeks only the freedom of space and has made a fortune by reading the patterns in the chaos to discover the hidden wonders of the stars.
Nothing about her latest objective suggests the secret it conceals will turn her life— not to mention the entire galaxy—upside down. But a chance encounter with a mysterious spy leads to a discovery which will thrust Alex into the middle of a galactic power struggle and a sinister conspiracy, whether she likes it or not.
When faced with its greatest challenge, will humanity rise to triumph, or fall to ruin?
AURORA RISING is an epic tale of galaxy-spanning adventure, of the thrill of discovery and the unquenchable desire to reach ever farther into the unknown. It’s a tale of humanity at its best and worst, of love and loss, of fear and heroism. It’s the story of a woman who sought the stars and found more than anyone imagined possible.


I never knew what a space opera book was until I read the Asrian Skies series by Anne Wheeler…now I think I need more of it. I have high hopes for this book but I’m not sure how it will pan out. I guess only getting it now while it is free and reading it someday will be the key to telling how I feel about it.


I hope that you have enjoyed this week’s Freebie Friday post. Be sure to check out last week’s post as well. Please let me know what you think below. Do you think it is something you would read? Let me know in the comments below! What genre of books would you like to see in future Freebie Friday posts?


Disclosure: Affiliate links may be present in this post.

3 thoughts on “Freebie Friday

  • May 3, 2019 at 11:06 am

    I do enjoy sci-fi so why not try a new series for free? Thanks for introducing me to this book. I like to read rom coms, so maybe feature one of those on a Friday sometime?

    • May 3, 2019 at 11:11 am

      I can look for one for next week!

    • May 3, 2019 at 11:11 am

      Thank you for reading

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