Goodreads Monday

Goodreads Monday

Hello again everyone! How was your weekend? What did I do you ask? Well…more writing of course! We are now coming into the last few days of NaNoWriMo. I am excited but nervous at the same time. This has been an incredible journey and I am grateful that I took the chance to participate.

Well, it is Monday and I know why you are all really here…Goodreads Monday! So…less about parent life and more about books! This weekly event is hosted by Lauren’s Page Turners. To take part, simply choose a random book from your Goodreads TBR (To Be Read) list and show it off.

Now onto the good part, yet another book from my Goodreads to read shelf…which is always growing larger with each Goodreads Monday post that I read. I am serious, every Monday my TBR list grows by about 5 books. Why are there so many great books and so little reading time?

Descent (Son of a Mermaid, #1)


Descent (Son of a Mermaid Book 1) Descent (Son of a Mermaid, #1)

Author: Katie O. Sullivan

Published: July 16th, 2015 (Originally May 1st, 2013)

Publisher: Wicked Whale Publishing

Book Length: 319 Pages

Genre: Fantasy, Romance


Buy the Book: Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Book Depository (Use my referral ID: TheBibliophagist)

Shea MacNamara’s life just got complicated…

When a freak tornado devastates his Oklahoma farm, fifteen-year-old Shea moves to Cape Cod to live with a grandmother he’s never met. Struggling to make sense of his new surroundings, he meets a girl along the shore who changes his life forever.

Kae belongs to an undersea world hidden from drylanders, where bloody war rages between opposing clans. A fragile peace accord hinges on marriage between the royal families, but treachery and magick lurk in every shadow.

With Kae’s help, Shea discovers his true heritage and finds that his destiny lies somewhere far below the ocean’s surface.


A son of a mermaid, this is something new and interesting. How could you not want to know about Kae’s true heritage? I know that I want to! Not only do we discuss the possibility of mermaids here, but we also have royalty!! This is not on my TBR, which is for sure out of control.


Is a book that you might enjoy if you have not read it? Have you heard of this novel before now? If you have read it feel free to link your review below, I would love to see what you thought. What are some books on your Goodreads to-read list? Do you find yourself adding many more to your TBR list on Goodreads Monday?

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