Bookish Thanks

Bookish Thanks

Happy Thanksgiving everyone, if you celebrate it that is. I wanted to take a few minutes and talk about some things I am thankful for this year, I will keep them book related of course. The holidays are that time of year where people forget to slow down and look at what they really have. They are too worried about getting the latest toys and gadgets. Today, I am making sure that I take the time to remember it is about family…not gifts.

Before I go into that large rant…let’s move on to a few things that I am thankful for that involve books.


The Book Loving Community


My entire life I have loved books but all too often I felt isolated. I was one of very few people who enjoyed reading as a child. The only time others read was for required assignments. So, I was left alone…with nobody to really understand what reading meant to me. My dad brushed it off as nothing more than a silly hobby. I felt so misunderstood and alone.

That was until I discovered that there are many more people like me, those that live for the journeys we take between the pages of books. I had just not met them all yet. Twitter was the beginning…the beginning of a new chance. It was a chance to meet and talk with people from all over the world about what I loved most, books. The best part was that they understand me. They truly get how important books really are.

They are nonjudgemental, meaning it is alright if we do not share the same opinion about a book. I am not shamed for liking or not liking any particular books. I am able to express my thoughts freely to those who happened to enjoy hearing them (p.s. I am still in awe that so many of you enjoy reading my thoughts).




NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) is an annual event where writers challenge themselves to write 50,000 words during the month of November. This year, I am participating for the first time.

I have always dreamed of writing a novel and I have friends and family who pushed me a bit. It wasn’t until NaNoWriMo though that I really got the push I needed. I am almost to the 50,000-word count already. Everyone telling me that I could do it was great, but seeing myself actually working for it and letting this novel flow from my head to the computer is entirely different. So many great books have been written by authors during NaNoWriMo. The community there is great as well, very supportive. It is a wonderful thing, to see so many people all writing and supporting one another.




As always, I am thankful for books themselves and their authors. I have been through a lot in my life and the one constant that pulled me through has been books. They help me escape when I need to, learn lessons that I couldn’t possibly learn in my lifetime alone. Authors spend so much time crafting this amazing story and are kind enough to put in in the world for us to enjoy. Books truly are magical and it makes me sad that some simply cannot see their power.

I also want to thank publishers, big and small, for giving bloggers and book reviewers such as myself copies to read and review. It means a lot that I am able to help support authors. These amazing people go out of their way to provide copies of books in one format or another for reviewers, for free I might add. They are often overlooked when discussing books but they deserve their thanks as well.


The Library

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I am grateful that I live in the United States and have free access to libraries. I know that many are not fortunate enough to have that. I am not able to afford to buy new books often. For this reason, I am thankful to have the library at my disposal. I can pick up any book they have on the shelf to borrow, read, and enjoy. The library has always been a place I can go to and be at peace.



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If you are reading this, yes…you! I am thankful for every one of you who are reading this. Thoes of you who follow me and support me, are amazing. I am honored to have wonderful people who choose to take time from their day and read what I have to say. I hope to be granted with your continued support as I learn and grow as a blogger and aspiring author.



Thank you all for taking the time to read this and I hope you are able to spend some time with those who matter most to you. Enjoy your holiday! Happy Thanksgiving.