Saturday Spotlight: Jeff Lane

Saturday Spotlight: Jeff Lane

Welcome back to my Saturday Spotlight series! I hope that you are all enjoying this new series on my blog. I love it! I am so happy to be able to support authors. By showing everyone new authors or lesser-known authors, I might be able to introduce you to your new favorite book or series. It is hard writing a novel. The least we can do to support those who give us chances to escape an experience a variety of things is give a review. So remember to leave a review for every book you read, Amazon reviews really help! You wouldn’t believe how much of an impact they truly have.

Today, I am excited to bring to you a wonderful author that I have nothing but pleasant interactions with. I have read some of his work and really enjoy it. Now, I present…Jeff Lane.


About the Author



Jeff Lane is the author of the Champion Saga (This Paper World, This Burning World), ONE WAY, and The Three Scrooges as well as various screenplays and short stories. Jeff Lane lives in New Hampshire, USA with his wife and children. A film adaptation of his novel ONE WAY is currently in post-production. He likes to make interesting combinations and arrangement with letters of the alphabet until they make exciting stories appear in your head… and hopefully, a smile appear on your face. Did it work?


Jeff’s Novels


The Three Scrooges

The Three Scrooges by [Lane, Jeff]

The Three Scrooges

One Way

One Way by [Lane, Jeff]

One Way

The Champion Saga

This Paper World

This Paper World (The Champion Saga Book 1) by [Lane, Jeff]

This Paper World

This Burning World

This Burning World (The Champion Saga Book 2) by [Lane, Jeff]

This Burning World





Thank you again for joining us today Jeff. I really appreciate it. We have now seen the selection of novels you have written, wow you have been busy. Let’s begin with the question that many people struggle with themselves…
When did you first consider yourself a writer or author?
Though I wrote some fiction in high school and college, I didn’t really consider myself a writer until I started writing my first novel, This Paper World back in 2001.
I know many people define success differently, what does success mean to you?
To me, success is being able to do what you love full time. I’m not at that stage yet with my writing, but that is the dream, the image I hold in my mind. I’d love to be able to write full-time and support my family with my writing.  I wouldn’t have to be JK Rowling or Stephen King rich, just a modest income that keeps all the lights on at home.
Speaking of success, have any of your novels been made into movies?
Yes. My time travel thriller ONE WAY has been filmed and is currently in the post-production process. I was asked to adapt the screenplay from the novel. It was filmed in England, so I also had to change the setting from the US to the UK. I’ve seen some footage and it looks amazing. I can’t wait to see the finished product.
That sounds exciting, I will be looking forward to watching it! Now, tell us about your first published book. What was the journey like?
While I haven’t been traditionally published, I have put out my own work as an independent author. It was a long journey and one that I hadn’t even realized I had started at the beginning. After I finished writing my first book, I spent a long time querying for literary agents.  This was a long and tedious task back in the days before email and the internet it really taken hold. Most agents wanted a typed letter as well as a self-addressed stamped envelope for their reply. It was a long process that took me several hours just to get 10 or 15 of these things out. After several rejections, I sort of lost steam for the writing thing and focused on my career and family. Several years later I started listening to podcasts and got hooked on a few literary podcasts and serialized audiobooks. That gave me the idea to take my old novel that I had written years before and put it out as a podcast in audio form. I figured that the internet being what it was, people would quickly tell me how horrible my writing was and that I should go hide under a rock. Actually, the opposite happened. Almost immediately I started getting amazing feedback and encouragement. This was followed by people who were asking if they could buy a copy of the book either in paper or ebook format. Mainly because I didn’t want to let people down, I started researching how to do ebook publishing and later on print-on-demand. As I continued writing, I also started putting up new works in these formats as well.
Having written a handful of books, your readers and fans want to know…are you working on anything currently that you would like to share with your readers?
Yes!! I’m currently working on my 5th novel, the 3rd in my Champion Saga. It has been a long journey with these characters. A lot of people reach out to me fairly frequently because the second book left on a bit of a cliffhanger, so I’ll be really excited to get this new book out to them.
Do you write alone or in public?
Because I have to balance my writing with a demanding day job and family life, I write pretty much anywhere I can find the time and space. This means I have written on the couch at night after people go to bed, from a Starbucks or Panera, in a hotel room while traveling for business, and even on a crowded airplane. I’m not picky and don’t have to have a specific environment to write. What I need most is time, so anytime I’m afforded some of that precious commodity, I will do my best to use it wisely writing new stories.
How many bookshelves are in your house?
Most of the bookshelves in my house are spoken for by other people. I only have probably four bookshelves of my own in the house proper. I have bags and stacks of books in the attic and in the garage. I’m horrible at book collecting.
Could you share a photo of a character inspiration?
Though he didn’t start out as the original inspiration for the look of the character of Jim Hunt from the Champion Saga, actor Omri Rose has become the mental image I have in my mind when I write Jim.  Though Omri has gone on to star in multiple television episodes and films, several years ago he graciously agreed to play Jim in a literary pilot for This Paper World that was filmed in London. (See attached picture and also look up his IMDB for a full gallery).  If you look hard enough, you can still find it on YouTube.
If you could choose three people to invite to a dinner party, who would they be and why? 
Ooh. Tough question. Living? Hmmm. Elon Musk. Chris Pratt. My wife. (she’d kill me if I had dinner with Chris Pratt and didn’t invite her).
I could imagine she would be. I would be upset with my husband if he had dinner with Charlie Hunnam and failed to invite me! I want to leave your readers with this, what advice would you give to aspiring authors?
The advice I give whenever I am asked that is, just write.  I know everyone’s process is a little different, whether they create an outline or character backgrounds or whatever, but don’t let anyone or anything tell you that you are not prepared to write. Open up a Word document or get a blank piece of paper and just start writing. And don’t worry about when and how you’re going to get published or what market you are going to reach or the movie rights or anything like that… just write a story that you would love to read. And guess what? Your first work may not be as big a phenomenon as the first Harry Potter book. You may not strike lightning on your first try, or your third, or your 10th.  Find and define success in the writing itself and the completion of work so that when you read it back, it makes you say, “Did I write that? Darn, that’s good!”



I want to thank Jeff again for being so wonderful and participating in Saturday Spotlight. You should check out his work by clicking on the book title! Add them to Goodreads as well, but be sure to leave reviews if you read them.

If you are an indie author who is interested in having your work promoted during one of my spotlights, contact me and in the subject area insert Saturday Spotlight. If you are an author who has participated, please spread the word. I would love for this to be continuous. I look forward to hearing from you.


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