Discussion Post: Is it ok to dog-ear a page or write in a book?

Discussion Post: Is it ok to dog-ear a page or write in a book?

Today I would rather do a discussion post than a book review. Let’s talk about dog-eared pages and writing in books. This is a topic where people have very strong opinions. All I ask is that you are all respectful of others and remain polite.

Now, what is my opinion on this issue…?

I am strongly against dog-eared pages. I always use a bookmark or something lying around that I can make work. In high school I allowed a friend to borrow a book and she dog-eared my pages. I was so mad that I yelled at her for it and she could not understand why I was so angry. To me, books are sacred jewels. Books have gotten me through so many tough times, they are my escape. I treat them with great care. It breaks my heart when someone dog-ears my pages.

This brings me to writing in books. I use post-its if I want to mark something or tab it for later. I couldn’t even bring myself to write in my college textbooks, how could I write in my precious bound babies. Granted, I now have pilot frixion pens that erase with friction or heat, so I guess I could. But if you put the book in the freezer or it gets really cold, the ink reappears. This also leaves me with the dilemma of writing something and leaving my book in a hot car and having my notes disappear. I write on a page I created for taking notes while reading and rating books. I actually created an entire book journal to help me stay organized.

Recently I had my monster of an almost 2-year-old draw all over a copy of a book I am reviewing. I was super angry, but luckily it was pencil and I could erase most of it. Both of my boys have ripped covers off of their books or books they’ve found. My older son now treats books with much more respect. My soon to be 2-year-old is another story. He was just scolded for chewing in one of his cardboard books…he will learn.

So on to the discussion…

Now that you all know how much I cherish my books and would never dare dog-ear a page or write in them, let me know what your opinions are. Do you dog-ear pages? Do you take notes or write in the margins of your books? Have you always done this or did you learn the habit from someone? What about a book borrowed from a friend? Let me know below! I would love to talk to you about this topic.

31 thoughts on “Discussion Post: Is it ok to dog-ear a page or write in a book?

  • July 3, 2018 at 10:06 am

    No I’d never dog ear a book and can’t believe other people. If I can’t find a bookmark I usually use a scrap piece of paper ? writing in books is hard one. As if I’ve got and educational book I like to highlight parts of it, but I’d never write in one. My daughter was the same with books but now she handles them as they’re little fragile things lol.

    • July 3, 2018 at 10:16 am

      I have used some strange things as bookmatks: paper, dollar bill, candy wrapper, id card, hair tie, etc. I always find something! My heart breaks a little each time i see such horrific damage, esecially when i borrow a library book.?

      • July 3, 2018 at 2:51 pm

        I’ve jist borrowed a book from the library and whoever has borrowed it before me has folded the pages. I couldn’t believe it. I tried pushing out the creases but to no avail ?

        • July 3, 2018 at 2:58 pm

          I always try pushing the crease back as well but it never removes the evidence of damage and disrespect.

  • July 3, 2018 at 11:14 am

    My heart breaks when books get damaged, and I could never dog-ear pages! I’m the same way as you. 🙁

    • July 3, 2018 at 11:17 am

      I’m happy to hear I’m not alone in being crazy protective of books?

  • July 3, 2018 at 11:38 am

    Hard NO when it comes to dog-ears, but, and you may need to sit down for this, 😉

    I LOVE writing in my books (books that I own, certainly not library/borrowed books). Unless I absolutely cannot find one, I always use a pencil, but underlining, circling, annotating – nothing is off limits! 😀 Even with the plethora of notebooks I own, I almost always find it too tiresome to write my notes/thoughts in one; and I like returning to books I’ve marked up, especially if I haven’t read them in years, to see what captured my attention or what I deemed important at that point in time (emotionally, mentally, and for the story). And I love finding books that have been written in when I shop used bookstores – it makes me feel even more warm and fuzzy to see what a previous owner thought as they were reading.

    • July 3, 2018 at 11:45 am

      I do understand that. I’m not sure i could ever do it though. ? Some peoppe love it and i see the appeal. I just like my things in like new.
      I try to keep my note pages for if i read the book again. I have to say i am super happy you respect library or borrowed books!??

  • July 3, 2018 at 11:46 am

    I could never write in my college textbooks either (Post It notes saved me) and I definitely don’t write in my regular books.

    And I could never dog ear a page!! If I absolutely cannot find a bookmark, which would be so unusual because there’s always something I can stick in there, I’ll just update my progress with the Goodreads app!

    • July 3, 2018 at 1:53 pm

      Yes! I am exactly the same.
      Sometimes I laugh at what i use for a bookmark

  • July 3, 2018 at 1:08 pm

    When I was a young man I might or might not have dog eared a book or two.. I can neither confirm or deny. Now though is a totally different story. Dog ear’ing a book is a sign of communism lol. I will use anything I can find to keep my place. I have even used a sock before when I was in a pinch and nothing else was around. If all else fails I try to remember where I was. My wife can attest that does not work out well due to the mad cow!

    Now on to the writing in books. It’s a big no no for me expect for textbooks that I own. I could never bring my self to write in a textbook i was planning on returning. I should take notes on my novels because I always come across quotes that i find interesting but since I never write them down I can never remember them other than I know I found one in the book somewhere 🙂

      • July 3, 2018 at 1:58 pm

        Thank you babe. I was really worried this one act would be grounds for a divorce. Lol

        • July 3, 2018 at 2:00 pm

          I was close…now dog-earring my books, that’s another story ??

  • July 3, 2018 at 1:22 pm

    I hate dog eared books, it’s a pet peeve of mine. I want my pages as pristine as possible. I also hate writing in books. I only ever did it in books I could take into an exam but never with any others. If I want to make a note then I’ll do it in a separate notebook. I once bought a book which was over a hundred years old and someone had written notes in it. It actually broke my heart.

  • July 3, 2018 at 3:52 pm

    No dog-earing or writing in books here ! If I really don’t have a bookmark I just try to remember the page, and try to find it again…

    • July 3, 2018 at 6:59 pm

      I’ve had to find my page again, especially after my toddler gets a hold on it.

  • July 3, 2018 at 7:22 pm

    I used to dog ear books, but only ever family ones! Now it’s bookmarks all the way for me ? but, I do write in books, in normal ink…but in my defence I have to annotate books for my degree! Post it’s just don’t allow the same energy for me, and what if they fell out?? ?

  • July 3, 2018 at 9:35 pm

    I would never ever dog-ear or write in any book. It breaks my heart. When my books get in bad shape, I get the urge to buy them again. ?

  • July 4, 2018 at 3:10 pm

    Love this discussion idea! I’m in the anti-dog-ear camp, I think- but there are books that are so old and floppy, that I’ve had for so long, that I don’t really mind doing it to. If it’s brand new, though… hell no!

  • July 4, 2018 at 4:03 pm

    I love writing in my books (see: MINE. never in borrowed books), I see it as a way of having a conversation with the author. I also really love re-reading and seeing my thoughts on previous reads!

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