Goodreads Monday

Goodreads Monday

I hope that you all enjoyed your weekend. It was really hot here which was good but would’ve been better if my inlaw’s had their pool already. I enjoy the summer weather either way. There is not a better feeling than sitting in the shade reading a good book. Well, maybe sitting by the pool in the shade with a book and glass of mead.

Are you all ready for the 4th of July? Any plans? I think we will see fireworks but I am not sure where we will be going yet. I for sure want to take my older son, he loves them.

Well, being Monday, you all know that means Goodreads Monday! This weekly event is hosted by Lauren’s Page Turners. To take part, simply choose a random book from your Goodreads TBR (To Be Read) list and show it off.

Now onto the good part, yet another book from my Goodreads to read shelf…which is always growing larger with each Goodreads Monday post that I read. Maybe one day I will eventually do a down the TBR hole post. Who knows…anyway, let’s continue.

The Gift of Quoxxel.jpg


The Gift of the QuoxxelThe Gift of the Quoxxel

Author: Richard Titus

Published: July 2014, republished March 2018

Book Length: 134 Pages

Genre: Humorous Fantasy

Buy The Book: Amazon


King Norr was not content. He longed to know the world beyond his tiny, island
kingdom of Nibb. The Nibbians, however, were not a seafaring people and had no desire to travel elsewhere. Why bother, they said. What could be as perfect as Nibb?

Even so, Norr watched foreign ships come and go. They approached, hesitated, then sailed away without ever coming ashore. Why was that?

And that wasn’t the only mystery.

Who was the prankster who had set the palace afloat?

Was there a sea monster skulking the waters along shore?

Who was the little girl who sang but would not speak?

Had the Minister of Science been eaten by migrating drumbkins?

This was not the average Nibbian day. King Norr was unprepared and only hoped to get through it with as few “haddocks” as possible.

Set sail on this armchair adventure of wit and riddle. It’s an imaginative voyage to
the Isle of Nibb whose only flaw is being a little too perfect — or, at least, it was
until today.

I was contacted by the author of this novel wondering if I would be interested in reading a copy and reviewing it. This book sounds completely different from what I typically read, it is full of humor, sci-fi, time travel, magic, and even pirates. I have never read a mixed genre novel that encompassed such a variety.

If any of you are interested in possibly reading this, the author has given me permission to provide his email address to contact him. So, if you would be willing to give this unique book a shot contact me and I can put you in touch.

Have you read this book? If so, what were your thoughts? Is this a book that you might enjoy? What are some books on your Goodreads to-read list? Do you find yourself adding many more to your TBR list on Goodreads Monday?