The Mystery Blogger Award

The Mystery Blogger Award

“Mystery Blogger Award” is an award for amazing bloggers with ingenious posts. Their blog not only captivates; it inspires and motivates. They are one of the best out there, and they deserve every recognition they get. This award is also for bloggers who find fun and inspiration in blogging, and they do it with so much love and passion.”
– Okoto Enigma

I was nominated for this award by Anna at Dole Whip and Books. I would like to thank her. It feels so nice being nominated and recognized. It is nice knowing people enjoy reading my posts. I appreciate each of you who take time from your busy lives.

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  1. Put the award logo/image on your blog
  2. List the rules.
  3. Thank whoever nominated you and provide a link to their blog.
  4. Mention the creator of the award and provide a link as well. (Anna)
  5. Tell your readers 3 things about yourself
  6. You have to nominate 10 – 20 people
  7. Notify your nominees.
  8. Ask your nominees any 5 questions of your choice; with one weird or funny question (specify)
  9. Share a link to your best post(s)

Three Things About ME

  1. I have the most supportive husband ever! He enjoys reading as well but says I put his love of books to shame. Before I post on my blog, he lets me read it allowed to him. When I tweet about a blog post…or anything really, he likes it and retweets it. He supports me in everything and anything I do. I really am the luckiest wife.
  2. I enjoy cleaning. Yes, I know that may sound strange. I have always enjoyed cleaning, but I get obsessive about it. Everything has a spot and should be in its spot. I stress clean as well. I hate allowing anyone in my house if it is not spotless…even my in-laws when they visit. I cannot handle a messy house.
  3. I am beginning to write my own fantasy novel. It is about the volution of mystical sea creatures. That is all I will say. But, I am super excited about it. I just need to actually sit and write it.

Questions from Dole Whip and Books

1. If you could change one thing from your past, what would it be?

I am going to be cliche here and say that I would change nothing. Though there are so many things I wish happened differently or things that I wish I had not experienced, I would not be where I am or even the same person that I am if they had not happened. I have been through many things that I would not wish on anyone, but those made me the person I am today. I wouldn’t be sitting here with a toddler and 7-year-old…with my husband.

2. What fictional place would you most like to go?

I would love to visit Bookholm. The city in the novel The City of Dreaming Books. In this city, everything is book related. Book hunters search below ground and even kill to get their hands on valuable copies of books. There are a huge variety of bookish creatures. It would be amazing to be in a place where everyone valued and loved books as much as I do.

3. What would be your ideal way to spend the weekend?

My ideal weekend… I guess that would be spending time with my two boys and husband. I would watch the boys play during the day. After dinner we would all cuddle and watch a family movie. The kids would go to bed and then my husband and I would cuddle and read. This is how I love to spend my weekends. Family means the most to me and time with them is time well spent.

4. Which of your scars has the best story behind it?

My hip scars. Last year I had a PAO on my right hip and this year had it on my left. I have a 4-inch scar along my pelic crest on each hip. That is about the best story behind a scar I have. I do have a tiny Y-shaped scar on my right foot from a fishing hook.

5. If you could make a 20-second phone call to yourself at any point in your life present or future, when would you call and what would you say?

I would go back to the night my dad passed away. I was seventeen, my dad on the ground with no pulse. My sister was screaming in the background that her dad was dead while I tried to give my own dad CPR. I couldn’t do it…the one person that mattered most to me…

I would go back to that exact moment and tell myself that it was not my fault. That even if I could have given him mouth to mouth that it would have been no use. That he was gone… I would have told myself that I would get through this even though it felt like my entire world just ended. That I would only become stronger from this, even though I would never forget the image of my dad on the living room floor, not breathing, red fluid leaking from his mouth and nose…I will never forget that, but I am stronger from it.

6. Funny/Random** What would be your first question after waking up from being cryogenically frozen for 100 years?

This is tough, I am not sure exactly what I would say. My very first question would be “Where is my husband?” or “Where is my family?” I would be frozen with my husband, we hate being apart and I am unsure I would know what to do without him in my life.

My Nominations

**This list is not exclusive and in no particular order. If you would like to participate in this please do and tag me as well so that I can read your responses!**

My Questions

  1. If you could have a clone of yourself would you do it? Why or why not.
  2. Who is the one person in your past or present who has had the most influence on your life?
  3. Where is your favorite place to read?
  4. If you won the lottery, what would be the very first thing you spend money on?
  5. What was your favorite childhood book or the book that began your love of reading?

Thank you for stopping by to read my responses for this award and thanks again so much to Anna at Dole Whip and Books for the nomination. I look forward to reading all of your responses!