Wichcraft on a Shoestring by Deborah Blake

Wichcraft on a Shoestring by Deborah Blake

Many think that when you start your pagan practice, you need a wide variety of tools. There is so much misinformation in the world and that is what I am here to help correct, and so is Deborah Blake!


I’ve had a woman come into my store with this massive list of crystals and items she needed. She mentioned that a book told her these were what she must have to begin a practice. I mentioned that all she truly needed was herself and good intentions, but offered some budget beginner items she was interested in. Now, I do own a metaphysical store, but I also understand that the economy is tough for many of us right now. There is no need to spend all this money on items for your practice if you don’t have them.


I was very excited when I had the chance to read the republication of this novel by Deborah Blake. This is what everyone needs if they are looking to practice but not spend their life savings on tools.


Witchcraft on a Shoestring

Author: Deborah Blake

Publisher: Crossed Crow Books

Published: March 5th 2024, Previously January 1st 2010

Book Length: 180 Pages

Genre: Spirituality, Nonfiction, Witchcraft

Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 

Buy the Book: Amazon, Crossed Crow Books

*I received a copy of this book for free in exchange for my honest, unbiased review*

We’ve always believed that Witchcraft should be accessible to anyone brave enough to answer the call, and fortunately, Deborah Blake has created a wonderful resource for tapping into the powers of the Craft without the need for excessive investing, making the craft once again attainable. Contained herein are instructions for making oils, runes, candles, charms, and more using easy-to-obtain materials while showcasing over fifty methods of working magic that cost little to money.


I want to begin by saying I am a huge fan of Deborah Blake and the various titles she has produced. I knew I had to read this and was baffled that I had not seen it. Throughout my spiritual journey, I have always looked for budget-friendly ways to practice. I own a metaphysical store yet still tell customers they don’t need all these fancy tools that cost money; they can go into nature, and all will be provided for them.


There is an entire section where the author provides the books in her collection regarding various topics. This is incredibly helpful to beginners. Actually, most of the book appears to be geared toward beginners. A few negative reviews are saying there is no new information here since they have been practicing. Personally, I did not find much new information either, but it is a fantastic book for any beginner or person looking to cut their costs.


I use a dresser as an altar, and the drawers hold decor for various Sabbats. I also have a wooden wand that is actually a stick I found while on a walk, asking for a sign. I often visit thrift stores or try to make things myself. As we are approaching yard sale season, those are also great places to find goodies. Remember to keep an open mind. There are so many things that you already have in your home that you can use.


While the author lists online retailers to get some budget-friendly items, it is a very small list. I always recommend joining social media groups as well. There are many groups where people are willing to swap pagan items they no longer use in their practice. I want to give a warning, though, be sure to fully cleanse any items you obtain, even those from a store.


Overall, this is a wonderful book with a wide variety of methods to keep the costs of your practice minimal. Remember to look for sales in your local small business, check thrift stores, and even yard sales. Most importantly, keep in mind that you do not necessarily need any tools other than yourself and the intention to practice.

Disclaimer: This post may contain affiliate links.

2 thoughts on “Wichcraft on a Shoestring by Deborah Blake

  • May 30, 2024 at 12:59 pm

    I’m so glad you liked the book. I hope lots of people find it useful in one way or another.

    • May 30, 2024 at 1:00 pm

      I absolutely loved it! So many useful things in it!

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