Witchy Wednesday

Witchy Wednesday

Hello everyone and welcome back to Witchy Wednesday!! I began this portion on my blog because I wanted to show a little more of who I am behind this computer screen. I haven’t been as active but when I am, you see a lot of young adult fantasy books reviewed. I wanted to open this up a bit and show the world about some of what I believe in, thus Witchy Wednesday was born. Here you can find a variety of books that I’ve read, either sent to me from publishers or ones I’ve purchased on my own. I am really excited to show you more of my witch side. You might even see posts about other witch things from time to time such as herbs.


One thing many witches, myself included, do is celebrate the Sabbats. I follow the wheel of the year. This book was given to me to review by Llewellyn. I can’t wait to share it with you!


Llewellyn's 2020 Sabbats Almanac: Samhain 2019 to Mabon 2020

Llewellyn’s 2020 Sabbats Almanac

Author: Llewellyn Publications

Published: July 8th, 2019

Publisher: Llewellyn Publications

Book Length: 312 Pages

Genre: Non-Fiction, Spirituality, Reference, Pagan, Witchcraft

Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Buy the book: Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Book Depository (Use my referral ID:


Disclaimer: I was given a copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. This in no way impacts my review of this book.

Make your seasonal celebrations even more magical with Llewellyn’s 2020 Sabbats Almanac. Packed with rituals, rites, recipes, and crafts, this helpful guide offers fun and fresh ways to celebrate the eight sacred Wiccan holidays and enhance spiritual life throughout the year.
Get a new perspective on honoring the Wheel of the Year from your favorite Wiccan and Pagan authors. Plan spiritually uplifting celebrations and sustainable seasonal activities. Perform Sabbat-specific rituals and family activities. Create tasty treats and crafts as reminders of the season’s gifts and lessons. Also featured are astrological influences to help you plan rituals according to cosmic energies.


First I want to talk about this amazing cover! Each corner shows a representation of one of the equinox sabbats. The sun and moon depict the dark and light half of the year. If that doesn’t give you enough information and want to open the book how about this…



The beginning of each chapter…so to speak…is a beautiful image. It almost begs me to color it! Then we move into symbols of that particular sabbat. The amount of knowledge you can learn from this book is vast. It is my first time reading this but from what I gathered, each year’s book would have more information, different crystal associations, rituals, etc. Yule being the upcoming sabbat, it has been the most recent one I’ve read. I think my favorite part was the ritual. I actually plan on making the ornaments it talked about for a few close friends. I might even make one for someone I suspect is a fellow witch that lives near me.


If you are one to write in books…I have great news! There is even a page for notes in each sabbat section!


This is one book that I will be buying each year from here on out. It has great information for both novice and experienced witches or even those that might just want a little more information on the sabbats. A must-have book for anyone who follows the wheel of the year.


Thank you again to Llewellyn for sending me this amazing book! This is going to be well used this year! I can’t wait to read more wonderful books from this great publisher.


What are some of your go-to books about the Sabbats?

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