Would you rather Wednesday

Would you rather Wednesday

Welcome back to Would You Rather Wednesday! Hello everyone! I am so happy to have you hear. I hope the first half of your week has gone well. It is good here but beginning to get bitter cold. I started a homemade wreath using vines from my woods. I just need to add a pentagram to the middle and then my homemade gift for one of the Yule exchanges I’m in will be complete!


The kids have been good but since the snow melted, they are waiting for more to come so we can sled again. I recently had an issue with my Kindle Paper White. It wouldn’t turn on or even charge. Thank goodness it was under warranty…it was only a year old and not even a year since I had registered it. They sent me a refurbished one and now I am ready to read again. I have to get my reading into full gear if I want to make my 100 book Goodreads goal. I’m only at 86 books! Life got so busy and now I am reading comics and other short stories to ry to catch up! Any suggestions would be amazing! I am determined to make it!


I also have some exciting news! If you follow me on Twitter then you already know. If not…be prepared! Alright, in November this year I registered to Book Expo as an author. I was nervous but most of all excited! Tuesday was 21 business days since I had signed up and I was supposed to hear back but hadn’t. Naturally, I sent a follow-up email. Within an hour, I received an email with a badge number saying I was accepted as an author to attend Book Expo!!!! I was so ecstatic. My book is at the editor now and once I get it back I’ll get right to work. I want this book done before Book Expo. That also means I am on the lookout for a cover artist. I think I have decided to self publish and possibly through Amazon but I have some research to do yet before I say for sure. I know my book may come out in 2020 but I’m not 100% sure yet.


So…here it is, have fun with it!



Would you rather (25):


Would you rather read in an isolated cabin that was infested with spiders or in a noisy coffee shop with bad music?


Hmmm…spiders don’t really bother me if I am being honest. That is unless the cabin was so infested that they were crawling all over my body and book while I tried to read. If the spiders were simply nested around and crawling but left me and the book alone, we’d be good.


On the other hand, the noisy coffee shop with terrible music would not be awesome. What kind of bad music are we talking about? I’m also assuming I don’t have headphones to listen to my own music on my phone. If that were the case…what book am I reading? If it was a book that really pulled me in then it wouldn’t matter hat music was on because I would be too absorbed in the book to really pay attention to the music.


Thank being said, I think I would have to choose the coffee shop with bad music. I wouldn’t be able to curl up but I wouldn’t have to worry about anything with multiple legs curling up with me. I’d also be able to eat and drink coffee as I pleased, that would also lead to more money being spent than at a cabin though. I would just have to bring a book that was really engaging, so much so that it pulled me into the story and I was able to drown out the bad music playing in the background.




What do you think…which would you choose?