Would you rather Wednesday

Would you rather Wednesday

Welcome back to Would You Rather Wednesday! Hello everyone! I am so happy to have you hear. Life since the new business is crazy busy but I love it. I’ve met so many amazing people and I am so grateful for the close friends I’ve made. I am going to really focus on my spiritual path more too. I think I’ll do a tarot drawing every day. Let me know if you would like to see that! I can for sure post a daily drawing on my Instagram if you want.


Speaking of Instagram…be sure to follow Mystic Dragon’s Lair on Instagram.


I hope your October has been spooky so far! I chose to make this Would You Rather Wednesday something more Halloween themed. So…here it is, have fun with it!



Would you rather (24):


Would you rather read about witches or vampires?



Vampires…I love vampires, so long as we are talking something along the lines of Underworld and not Twilight. I am a strong believer that vampires don’t sparkle. I hated that aspect and for that reason, I will never choose to read about those vampires. I did love the House of Night books when I was younger, I enjoy them but I’m not sure about the more recent ones. Now, I will say I love the intimate nature of vampires…some crave that neck biting but what if they decide not to stop and you become dinner instead. Vampires do offer more gore in a book…


Witches…I am a witch so, I guess I would love to read more about witches. Harry Potter is probably the most popular book series dealing with witches and wizards. I’d love to read more but not the soppy romance kind, ones with good action and magic, maybe even some death…I’m good with that! Witches, in my opinion, offer more complexity to a book because their magic can bring multiple things to the surface. Where vampires suck blood, kill, or turn someone…witches have a huge list of what they could do.


Now, I love vampires…don’t get me wrong, but I just think I would prefer to read more about witches.



What are some of your favorite witch books?


What do you think…which would you choose?

2 thoughts on “Would you rather Wednesday

  • October 15, 2019 at 10:02 am

    Hmm…maybe Vampires – I really liked the Sookie Stackhouse series of books šŸ˜€

    • October 15, 2019 at 11:11 am

      Ooo don’t think I’ve read that!

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