Spooky Swap

Spooky Swap

Hello everyone and happy October!! As a witch, this has to be one of the most fun months out of the year. This is the time where doing things like hanging besoms (brooms) for protection is not frowned upon. I know many people love Halloween (Samhain for us witches or pagans). Everyone does a secret Santa exchange for Christmas so why not Halloween? That is where the Idea for #spookyswap came in.

I have loved Halloween my entire life. It is the one time out of the entire year that you can dress and be anything you wish without any judgments from others. The fall season is, in my opinion, is the best time of year. Leaves change beautiful colors, I can wear sweaters or hoodies, and drink hot tea while curled up with a good book. I’m also a mom which means that I get to enjoy watching my two boys dress up and see their faces light up when they get candy at each door.


Anyway…I posted my idea online and it turns out that I’m not the only one that loves Halloween or the idea of a spooky-themed gift exchange. Once I found out it wasn’t just me that loves the idea, the planning went into full gear. Honestly, who doesn’t like Halloween?


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#Spookyswap is essentially Secret Santa but for Halloween. Bloggers are all invited to join in. Sign up using the link below and please fill out the information so that we can match international people up together. So…what are you waiting for? A ghost isn’t going to scare you into doing it…you have to be ready and want to get your spooky swap on!





So, the information I need on that form is your twitter name, the types of things you are interested in, if you live in the US or internationally, and if you would be willing to do extra boxes if needed. I am really excited and I hope this turns out as good I have dreamed it will. If all goes well, I hope to do this every year!

I would love to get everyone partnered up this weekend so that we have time to buy each other fantastic spooky goodies. I would love to hear what a good budget would be for everyone. I was thinking maybe $20 or $30. Let me know in the comments below what you think would be a good budget. So, with that being said…let me know what you think and if you decide to sign up! I would love to make this a huge event. Be sure to spread the word and let all your blogger friends know about this spooky event!


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