Why I am Weird – Tag

Why I am Weird – Tag

Today I am super happy to be taking part in a new and original book tag by Adele at Dellybird. I found her asking if anyone was interested in participating in this tag on Twitter and of course I had to jump in on it. We are all unique and some things we say, do, or like might be called weird by others. I always say “Normal is overrated.” Think about it…how boring would our lives be if everyone was the same, no diversity. As a species, we would die off. Diversity is what keeps us, as well as other plants and animals, alive. We need it. So…let’s celebrate it. Let’s get to know one another by talking about what makes us “weird.”

“Why I am Weird” Tag rules


  • List ten weird things about yourself, your life or silly habits that you wouldn’t normally share.
  • Tag up to ten people so you can get to know them better.
  • Link back to the person who tagged you & the creator
  • Comment on the posts of people you tagged!

Why I am Weird


  • I am double jointed/hyperflexible and enjoy watching people cringe when I show them some of the things I can do. I can rotate my left shoulder 180 degrees and when people see it they have one of two reactions. They either freak out or are in awe and want to see more. As a young girl, I used to put both feet behind my head and crawl around. I don’t even dare try that after my hip surgeries. However, I can walk on the knuckles of my toes…I know, weird.
  •  I like even numbers. The only odd number I don’t mind is number 5. I take even numbers of steps between sidewalk sections. I eat an even number of candies. Heck, I have two boys…an even number of children.
  •  I might have a semi-obsession with Asain culture. I began watching anime and listening to Japanese and Korean pop and rock music in middle school. When I was in NYC recently with my husband I had one request…travel to Korea town. I’m a speed walker but he has never seen me walk so slow or smile so much as I did while visiting there. I love kawaii stationery and Asain snacks. If a book has a dragon or Kitsune, sign me up!


Image result for koreatown nyc


  • I often find myself narrating the actions of people or animals I see outside or on TV. I give them full conversations to describe their expressions. Sometimes I get some good laughs and other people look at me as if I’m crazy.
  • I hate wearing shoes and socks. Being barefoot is natural to me. As a child my father never allowed it and when I visited my mother she would scold me, telling me I was going to catch roundworm or something. Psst…I never did. Today, my father-in-law scolds me for walking around outside with no shoes on, especially when I walk down the stone filled driveway. I can’t help it, I love feeling nature beneath my feet. Socks and shoes make my feet feel claustrophobic.
  • Some people have strange read habits, I always end reading on a period. I can’t stop reading in the middle of a sentence, it drives me insane. This might be part of my OCD…maybe. I prefer to end a chapter before I close a book but that isn’t always possible, especially with kids. So, I settle for ending on a page that ends in a period. I like starting clean on a new page.
  • I have functional ADHA. Watch me read a book, I change positions every few minutes and I am often fidgiting. Sometimes it is funny to see. I even lay on the chair, putting my feet up the back of it with my head pointing down. I used to sit this was as a child at times. This doesn’t impact my normal days but I do have trouble just sitting still.


Image result for reading positions gif


  • Have you ever had a song stuck in your head? Well, I tend to randomly break out in song when someone says a word or phrase from a son I know. You can say the most mundane thing but if I know a song that has that phrase…you bet I’ll break out in song and possibly dance. I love music almost as much as books. It has helped me through many difficult times.
  • Most people hate the chore of cleaning or organizing their house. Me on the other hand, I love it! My father basically raised me to be a housewife. I enjoy cooking, cleaning, and raising my boys. When I cook, I turn on music and sing or dance, maybe even turn on an audiobook. When I’m emotional, I go on cleaning sprees…scrubbing floors, washing windows, etc. There is just something soothing about turning on a book or some music and just cleaning, putting things in their places and freshening up the home.


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  • Dropped something on the floor and don’t want to bend over…I’m on it. My husband says I have monkey feet. I am always picking things up with my feet rather than bending over to grab it. He laughs every time, even though he is used to it by now.





Now you all know me a bit better and I apologize if any of it was too much. If you do choose to do this tag keep in mind it is meant to be a fun way to get to know one another better. Share only what you want and feel comfortable with. If you are not on this list, feel free to do this tag anyway and be sure to tag me!


Stephanie at Books in the Skye

Brittany at Bookaholic Brittany

Michelle at First Book Love

Emma at Emma’s Chapter

Cait at Cait’s Books

Lydia at Silver Wold Reads

Chloe at The Elven Warrior

Cait Marie at Functionally Fictional

Stephanie at Between the Folded Pages

Priyasha at Books and Co.

One thought on “Why I am Weird – Tag

  • June 13, 2019 at 6:16 am

    Wierd lol

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