Freebie Friday

Freebie Friday

It’s Friday!!!! Welcome back everyone! I hope that you’ve had a good week, I know that I did. My family bought a dozen baby chicks so that was super fun. I’ve become a bit of a mother hen. They are already growing…if you want progress photos of our babies let me know and I can for sure add them to my posts or Twitter/Instagram.


My older son had no school all week so we had a great time playing outside in the massive dirt piles we still have from having our pool put in last summer. The boys both love digging in the dirt and finding rocks. According to my older son, every sparkely rock is apparently a diamond and he needs me to help him dig them out. I loved getting dirty as a kid so it is fun seeing them have so much fun in the dirt. Speaking of nature…


This is personal but I like you all to get to know me a little so…here goes. I’ve chosen my spirtitual path and that is Paganism and Witchcraft. No, not the kind where I have a mole and wear a pointy hat. I’m in the resarch phase right now and have been trying to immerse myself. If you have any suggestions for a new witch, let me know. I’m learning Tarot and crystal magick as well. I’d love to talk to any others that could give me tips or book suggestions.



But enough about my life…let’s check out another free book on Freebie Friday shall we?!?!


Alice (The Wanderland Chronicles, #1)


Alice (The Wanderland Chronicles #1)

Alice (The Wanderland Chronicles, #1)

Author: J.M Sullivan

Published: August 7th 2018 (First published May 16th, 2017)

Publisher: Bleeding Ink Publishing

Book Length: 292 Pages

Genre: Retelling, Fantasy, Horror (YA)

Get the Book: Amazon


“Always protect your queen.”
Ever since the outbreak of the Plague, life hasn’t been easy, and for seventeen-year-old Alice Carroll, it just got worse. Her sister, Dinah, has contracted the ‘un-deadly’ Momerath Virus and without a cure, will soon be worse than dead. She’ll be momerath.
Alice must leave the safety of the Sector and venture into Momerath Territory to find the antidote – if it exists. Chasing a rumor about a mysterious doctor with the cure, Alice falls down the rabbit hole into Wanderland, where ravenous momerath aren’t the only danger lurking.


If you know me then you know I love a good fairytale retelling. This one is an Alice in Wonderland retelling and it sounds really good. I think I am more drawn to this becuase of the horror aspect that is tangled withing, especially knowing there is a virus that Alice is trying to find a cure for. This encompasses my love of microbiology…hello viruses!


All in all, I think that this will be a nice twist on a classic many know.



I hope that you have enjoyed this week’s Freebie Friday post. Be sure to check out last week’s post as well. Please let me know what you think below. Do you think it is something you would read? Let me know in the comments below! What genre of books would you like to see in future Freebie Friday posts?



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