Would you rather Wednesday

Would you rather Wednesday

Happy hump day everyone. Yes…I saw that commercial probably twice this week so it was stuck in my head and I had to say it. Now that is out of my system though…how has your week been?


My week has been alright. For some reason, I have not gotten much reading done…I blame the kids. My younger son has been a handful lately. On a more positive note, I wrote a post for next week that I am happy about. It is another Book Blogging 101 post, it has been a while since my last one. But, enough about that for now. Today is Wednesday and you all know what that means…


Welcome back to Would You Rather Wednesday! I hope that you all enjoy this series. If you would like to keep seeing it, let me know in the comments below. I always loved doing the would you rather questions as a kid so I thought it would be a wonderful way to engage more of you who follow my blog but bring a bookish twist to it.


First I want to mention that I got the idea from Krystyna (Turning the Pages) and her weekly bookish meme challenge. I took part in her post last week, but Wednesdays work better for my blogging schedule, so I created my own weekly challenge. I hope that you all enjoy it!


Would you rather (15):


wait five years for the final installment in your favorite series or get it now but have to read every spoiler before you can start?


This is tough. I would hate to read every spoiler before I start the book. I dislike spoilers, to begin with, let alone ones about a book or movie I am really looking forward to. I am not sure that I can accurately articulate to you how angry I would be if someone spoiled everything for me in my favorite book.


For that reason, I would have to say that I would rather have to wait five years. I’ve had to wait a long time before when I didn’t have the money to buy the new book and my library didn’t have it. I consider myself a patient person. I would just have to avoid reading reviews that might have spoilers in them.



What do you think…which would you choose?

One thought on “Would you rather Wednesday

  • February 27, 2019 at 11:39 am

    This is a tough one. I am not a patient person at this moment so I would really dislike waiting 5 years. With that said I would have a strong urge to strangle someone if they gave me all the spoilers. So I guess it would be safer for everyone involved if I choice the wait 5 years option. Heck I have wait longer than that for the game of thrones book and the world has not ended ???

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