Goodreads Monday

Goodreads Monday

I hope that everyone has been enjoying themselves. My in-laws’ are in the process of having an in-ground pool put in! I am beyond excited to read by the pool…though I have two young boys who love to splash. I am not sure I will just have to sit far enough back while reading, well…when I am not in there playing with them. The past few nights my father in law and I have driven down this one road near us to look for crayfish to no avail. I have never had them but he says they are like mini lobsters. The cross the road in the early hours of the morning, but it is really dry here and he thinks they might be waiting for the full moon. Have you ever had crayfish?

Being Monday, you all know that means Goodreads Monday! This weekly event is hosted by Lauren’s Page Turners. To take part, simply choose a random book from your Goodreads TBR (To Be Read) list and show it off.

Now onto the good part, yet another book from my Goodreads to read shelf…which is always growing larger with each Goodreads Monday post that I read. I am serious, every Monday my TBR list grows by about 5 books. Why are there so many great books and so little reading time?



Nyxia Uprising Nyxia Uprising (The Nyxia Triad #3)

Author: Scott Reintgen

Published: April 16th, 2019

Book Length: 368 Pages

Genre: Science Fiction



In the highly anticipated Nyxia Triad series finale, Emmett and the Genesis team must join forces with a surprising set of allies if they’re ever to make it home alive.

Desperate to return home to Earth and claim the reward Babel promised, Emmett and the Genesis team join forces with the Imago. Babel’s initial attack left their home city in ruins, but that was just part of the Imago’s plan. They knew one thing Babel didn’t. This world is coming to an end.

Eden’s two moons are on a collision course no one can prevent. After building eight secret launch stations, the Imago hoped to lure Babel down to their doomed planet as they left it behind. A perfect plan until the Genesis team’s escape route was destroyed.

Now the group must split up to survive the hostile terrain and reach another launch station. As both sides struggle for the upper hand, the fight leads inevitably back into space, where Emmett, his crewmates, and their new allies will fight one final battle for control of the Genesis ships. Win this time, and they’ll survive Babel’s twisted game once and for all. As the Imago world falls, this is the last chance to rise.

I  recently reviewed the second book in the trilogy, Nyxia Unleashed. You can also see my review of the first book Nyxia here. I am in love with these books, they bring so much action and adventure, making the reader ache when having to put it down. I have grown with these characters and this last book will be bittersweet. I need to know what happens, but it will pain me to see the story end. I do like the previous two covers more than this one, though it is still beautiful. I am patiently waiting for this release!

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Have you read the other Nyxia books? If so, what were your thoughts? Is this a book that you might enjoy? What are some books on your Goodreads to-read list? Do you find yourself adding many more to your TBR list on Goodreads Monday?