Blog Tour: On Holy Ground – Louise Cole

Blog Tour: On Holy Ground – Louise Cole

Thank you all for joining me today on my stop during the blog tour for On Holy Ground. I am super excited to participate in this. I participated in the blog tour for the first book in The Devil’s Poetry series…check out my review of the first book here.

Before I begin this tour, I would like to give a big thank you to Louise Cole for providing review copies and bringing us on this amazing journey. I would also like to thank Faye for organizing this tour and contacting me to be a part of it. Finally, thank you to all the amazing bloggers who are participating in this tour. Be sure to visit other blogs who posted earlier in the week as well as those who will be posting this weekend.

Now…let’s get on with what we are really all here for, my review of this novel!


On Holy Ground (The Devil’s Poetry #2)On Holy Ground (The Devil's Poetry Book 2)

Author: Louise ColePublished: April 14th, 2018Book Length: 400 Pages

Genre: Young Adult, Thriller

Buy the Book: Amazon

Rating:  ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Disclaimer: I was given a copy from the author in exchange for an honest, unbiased review.



Saving the world was just the start

In The Devil’s Poetry, Callie gambled with her life to stop a war. And she won. But now the game has changed. A Reader who understands the Book’s magic is either a savior or a curse – what she can’t be is free. When Callie stranded in the US, hunted and penniless, she desperately needs allies. But whose agenda can she trust? She must re-evaluate everything she knows, and find a way to escape, or die trying. Don’t miss the riveting sequel to The Devil’s Poetry.

I want to begin my review by admiring this cover. The first book’s cover merely gives readers a look at Callie’s back. As she develops, we now see a strong and determined image of her here. The color scheme remained the same between books. I love when a series maintains the same style…it makes paperback copies look so nice on a shelf. I wish I owned paperbacks of this and its prequel. I love the subtle touch of lines along the right side of the cover, eluding to possibly the book.

I really enjoyed the characters in the first book, especially Callie. Well, although Callie and Jace are both a part of this story, we see so much more development of Callier herself. Saving the world was not where her journey ends, but merely where it begins. It wasn’t enough that she saved the world from war, now she is being hunted…and from more than simply the Order or Cadaveri this time. She was a perfect reader, doing everything that was asked of her. She was prepared to give up her own life to save the world…but that did not happen.

She survived, the first reader to ever have read from the book and lived. This sequel brings Callie overseas…to America where she must question everything she has been told. With no idea of who to trust she must make some rash decisions and grow immensely as an individual. Callie is a prime example of a character that finds a way to thrive in bad situations. She may not always make the best choices, but nobody really does all the time right? Especially running for their lives. It is these decisions that make Callie seem that much more realistic.

“Sometimes we justify the bad things we do by their outcomes.”

As with the first book, this is written from multiple POVs (Point of Views). Having not read the first book for a while, it was confusing at times to jump back into this style of writing. I adjusted quickly though. I love this book so much more than the first. The first book had a lot of romance and though that relationship is still present here, it is not something shoved in our face. There is so much more action in this novel! It is categorized as a thriller and I can say it lives up to that.

“You know what runs through our veins? It’s the adrenaline surge from the crux of the nightmare, that bladder-loosening, heart-crushing moment just before you wake up… except we never wake up.”

This book makes you sit on the edge of your seat, back straight, waiting for what will come next. The relationship may not be in our face, but I am now more invested in it than ever. That ending…I need a third book! I need to see where Callie and Jace go…what happens to Callie and the book? So many unanswered questions!

This book seemed to be more fast-paced than the first one. This might be due to the huge amount of action scenes in here. I was gasping out loud while reading this. My mother-in-law thought something was wrong at one point when I gasped and said “Oh no!” I had to remind her that I was reading a book and then try to keep my remarks to myself. I found myself flying through the pages of this novel.

“Look around Callie. We’re standing on holy ground.”

If you love a book that hooks you from the start and never let’s go but pulls you deeper, this is a great choice. I mentioned in my review of the first book that it reminds me of Cassandra Clare’s books…this still holds true. I really enjoy these books and cannot wait to see where Louise takes these characters next…or where they take her. I will leave you all with a reminder though…this book cannot be read and fully comprehended without reading the first book. So, what are you waiting for? Go get it and start reading!

Have you read the first book in this series? How about this one? Is it something that sounds appealing to you? Let me know below.