Sunshine Blogger Award

Sunshine Blogger Award

I want to begin by thanking The NonChalant Dive for nominating me for this wonderful award. Yes, I was nominated back on April 12th…I have been busy. I am super happy that I was nominated, this means people are seeing my blog more. That makes me super happy!



  1. Thank the person/persons that nominated you and make sure to link it back to their blog.
  2. Answer the 11 questions your nominator gave you.
  3. Nominate 11 other people and give them 11 new questions to answer
  4. List the rules and display the award.

Nonchalant Diva’s Questions

1. What is one of your favorite blog post that you have made?

My favorite blog post that I have made still remains Reading…an isolating activity? Reading means so much to me so that post and What reading is to me? were close. Check them out and let me know what you think.

2. What is a “blogging rule” that you think a blogger shouldn’t break?

Always give credit to those you take ideas from. It is rude and should be done without a second thought. This is a rule that should be used in reality as well as the blogging world.

3. How far do you want to take your blogging? (Tv, journalist, etc.)

I do not really have a huge goal in mind. I simply want to blog for myself, to share my bookish ideas and opinions. Maybe I will introduce you to a book you’ve never heard of and will enjoy.

4. What is your blogging theme/niche? If you have one, why did you pick this theme/niche?

I blog about books and just about anything book related. I picked this because of my passion for books.

5. Who is your favorite blogger?

Since I cannot pick one, I am going to leave this unanswered.

6. Peanut butter or Nutella?

Both! They each bring something unique to the table.

7. How long have you had your blog?

I began my blog in about the middle of January of this year. I am still new to the blogging world!

8. Who is your targeted audience?

Anyone who reads books or who wants to read but hasn’t found the right book.

9. How many blog posts do you make in a week?

I was only posting three blog posts a week…lately it has become almost 5 posts a week if I can get them scheduled ahead of time.

10. Do you think using some vulgarity in your blog is a bad thing?

I think it depends on two factors

  1. Your audience: If you expect younger visitors…this should be an obvious no.
  2. Your personality: You want your blog to be unique…a part of you. If vulgarity is a part of who you are, go for it!

11. Why do you love blogging?

Blogging is a way for me to share my ideas. Primarily, I love the community that comes along with blogging. I have met some amazing people!


I nominate: Rimpy | Theresa | Books with Bain | Lost in Words |Ashley Rae | Sarah | Jessica | Amberry Books | Nicola | Angela (Ian) | Demi


  1. What is your favorite season and why?
  2. Who are your favorite authors? (Becuase it is cruel to pick only one)
  3. What was your favorite childhood book?
  4. What is something you feel passionate about?
  5. What is one thing you’ve learned as a blogger?
  6. Is there such a thing as too many books?
  7. Do you schedule your blog posts?
  8. Where is your favorite place to read?
  9. What is your biggest book-related pet peeve?
  10. Why did you begin your blog?
  11. What newbie blogger mistakes have you made?

I hope you all had fun reading my answers. If you are not tagged here, no worries…I have been nominated again and will be posting another one of these soon. If you’d like to be tagged just let me know! Remember this is for fun…if you were tagged do not feel obligated to participate if you would not like to.