Forever’s End – Anne Wheeler

Forever’s End – Anne Wheeler


Forever’s EndForever's End

Author: Anne Wheeler

Published: May 17th, 2017

Pages: 22 (Kindle Edition)

Genre: Science Fiction

Buy the Book: Amazon

Rating:  ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Disclaimer: I have been gifted a copy of this short story in exchange for an honest review.

Katryn Holt scarcely remembers what life at the research station on Iythea was like before the Haederans arrived—but she can’t forget what life is like now. Between the forced labor and nights spent dreaming of a home she’ll never see again, quick glimpses of her sometimes lover Kaz are the only bright spot.

But now Kaz is dying, and the thing he wants most is the one thing Katryn can’t give him…freedom.

This novel is a short story within the Asrian Skies series. Having not read the first book in this series, I was unsure what to expect from this short story. I now have a copy of the first book and cannot wait to sink my literary teeth into it.

Before I get into my thoughts, as usual, I will give my thoughts on the cover art. From a quick glance, one can tell this is a sci-fi novel. The swirls shown in the background represent the poisonous gas, deadly to many people and things. That is why those on Iythea were screened and selected specifically based on their genetics. I like how the cover does not depict space as all black, but a myriad of colors. The orange coloring draws your attention right away. I cannot go into details about the ship on the cover…I do not give away information that could be considered a spoiler.

Katryn, a once well-respected doctor, was now a simple slave. After the arrival of the Haederans, the lives of everyone on Iythea changed dramatically. For Katryn it is nearly impossible to remember the way life had been in the past. Her only moments of happiness are in dreams, short memories of her past, or when she is with Kaz. Kaz and Katryn must hide their relationship or risk being separated and never see each other again.

Although each person in Iythea was scanned and carefully selected, something had gone wrong and now Kaz suffers. Kaz has a gene that makes him susceptible to the gas that surrounds the planet…he is now dying. There is nothing that can be done, yet Katryn will not give up. She wants to give Kaz the best chance at life and is willing to do anything to help him. How far will Katryn go and where will life lead her? What will happen to Kaz?

The most important aspect of creating a successful short story is proper world building in a short amount of time. Anne Wheeler did an amazing job. Without reading the first book of this series, I felt as if I was thrown into her world from the beginning. The world was well developed and was not missing vital developmental pieces.

The story ends with a huge plot twist, one I did not see coming. I was unsure of what to expect from this story and I ended up loving it. I will be reading Asrian Skies early May, while in the beginning stages of recovery from my hip surgery. I would love to learn more about the world before the Haederans arrived…I assume I will in the first book. I would like to know what happens to Katryn and her brother as well. There is so much that this short story leaves me curious about. I will have to read the other short story More Than Stars as well.

If you enjoy a short read that will grab you immediately and never let go…this is a great choice. With characters that have such great potential and events that play with your emotions, this is a book that makes you sad it ended too soon. It leaves you craving more.