Book Haul (Dollar Tree)

Book Haul (Dollar Tree)

So, I have not bought myself any books in an extremely long time due to lack of funds. Well, I went into the Dollar Tree to buy my kids some easter things, who doesn’t love the dollar tree right? I love getting all kinds of crafty things there and I save money. Anyway, so I walk back to the book section to grab my toddler a book or two…my kids always get at least one book for each holiday where they receive gifts, we are a book-loving household.  While I was back in the book section I decided I would take a look at what other books they had. I found and bought six books! I spent a whopping $6 on myself. Now, many of these are sequels to books that I have yet to read, but they sounded good…and for a dollar how could I not grab them. Don’t fret, I will read the prequel books prior to reading these.

If you are still with me, let’s begin checking out these amazing books that I scored on such a bargain. I want to remind you the book price on these range from $17.99-$25.99 (stated on the book covers), I only paid $1 for each of these.


Here is the stack of six books I purchased. Now, let’s get a better picture of each book. I will add a Goodreads button to each image so that you may read more about them as you please.

IMG_20180331_182741_617Alias Hook


The Nightmare Dilemma (The Arkwell Academy, #2)


Dangerous Creatures (Dangerous Creatures, #1)




Warrior (The Dragon King Chronicles, #2)

Meridian (Arclight, #2)

There you have it, my six books from the Dollar Tree. I hope that you have enjoyed them. Have you read any of these or the books within their series? If so, let me know what you thought in the comments below.  Do any of these look interesting to you?