Reading…an isolating activity?

Reading…an isolating activity?

We, as a society, have become concerned with our physical well being, yet forget to maintain our mental health. There are many “fad” diets or quick weight loss solutions, yet what do we do for our minds? Our brains need exercise just as our bodies do. Reading is a great way to keep your mind sharp.

Many think of reading as a solo activity. It brings many joy, often kept to themselves. It has become apparent that many people fail to take time to read, or read to their children. I of all people understand what a busy life entails. We often let life get in the way of what is most important…quality family time.

Our family takes a break each day to spend an hour reading quietly. Sometimes we each read our own books, others we read together or to each other. My favorite times are when my older son reads to the baby or we read to him and he asks questions. We try to remember to read each night at bed time as well. Of course, we are only human and a day or so slips by where we are not able to achieve our reading goal of the day. However, we try to and that is what is important. Even if it is only a five minute bed time story, reading is very important in a child’s life and our own. It builds creativity and imagination, which are qualities that are highly valued.

Without imagination and creativity we would lack many things we see as luxuries. It takes one person’s idea to change the world. The internet, electricity, even the clothing we wear began as a simple idea…someone’s imagination and creativity at work. These not only provide us with practical, physical needs. Imagination allows one to immerse themselves into a good book, experience the story rather than solely read it. Having the ability to live multiple lives in the time span of one is truly a miracle.

 Reading is a magical time. It can turn you into a wizard battling the dementors or  a fallen Valkyrie trying to rediscover her past. Books, well-written ones, can make you feel the emotions presented. When I read about the loss a character feels, I feel that loss and often ache for them. The best part is that you can do all of this free. Our public libraries allow us the chance to live many lives, many completely different from our daily one.

 My main point of this post is to share the possible joys that you are missing by isolating yourself when reading. Share your reactions, feelings, and thoughts about a story. Discover those who love to read as well and create new friendships, bonding over your favorite books. Read to your children and encourage them to ask questions and wonder what will come next. Those moments where my family is reading silently, bring me so much joy because I can see the excitement and their imagination at work. I hope that both my children continue to enjoy reading as my husband and I do. Reading should be encouraged, not used as punishment. The opportunity to learn, grow, and experience new things between those pages should never be taken…from anyone.